Meine Tochter ist letztes Jahr mit Swiss von ZRH über DLA nach JNB geflogen.
Da verlangten sie in DLA auch eine Impfbescheinigung über Gelbfieber.
Lies sich aber für 20,- Euro vor Ort regeln.
Das ist ein anderer Themenkreis: Manche Laender verlangen eine Gelbfieberimpfung, wenn man aus einem Gelbfiebergebiet kommt (z.B. Suedafrika), andere verlangen eine Impfung von allen, z.B. Kamerun. im ersten Fall schuetzt sich das Einreiseland vor Dir, im letzteren Dich vor sich.
Immer bei Timatic checken. Dort steht es auch im konkreten Beispiel fuer Kamerun und Suedafrika korrekt:
Cameroon (CM)
Required vaccination against yellow fever for all travellers.
Exempt from Yellow Fever vaccination:
- Children under 1 year of age.
- Transit passengers not leaving the airport in Cameroon.
South Africa (ZA)
Vaccination against yellow fever is required if arriving
within 10 days from Sao Tome and Principe, Somalia, Tanzania,
Zambia or countries with risk of yellow fever transmission*.
Exempt from Yellow Fever vaccination:
- Babies under 12 months are allowed to travel without a
yellow fever vaccination certificate, provided a medical
certificate can be submitted stating that it is undesirable
to inoculate the baby.
- Those not leaving the plane during transit in the countries
with risk of yellow fever transmission concerned*, Sao Tome and Principe, Somalia, Tanzania or
- Those holding an exception certificate due to medical
reasons may be allowed entry and will be required to report
any fever or other symptoms to the health authorities and be
placed under surveillance.
- Persons without an original yellow fever certificate (if
required) will be:
- refused entry; or
- kept in quarantine until certificate becomes valid or for
a period of not more than six days; or
- those with an exemption certificate due to medical reasons
may be allowed entry and required to report any fever or
other symptoms to the health authorities and be placed under
* Yellow Fever Infected Areas (countries with risk of yellow
fever transmission)
Angola (AO)
Argentina (AR)
Benin (BJ)
Bolivia (BO)
Brazil (BR)
Burkina Faso (BF)
Burundi (BI)
Cameroon (CM)
Central African Rep. (CF)
Chad (TD)
Colombia (CO)
Congo (Brazzaville) (CG)
Congo (Kinshasa) (CD)
Cote d'Ivoire (CI)
Ecuador (EC)
Equatorial Guinea (GQ)
Ethiopia (ET)
French Guiana (GF)
Gabon (GA)
Gambia (GM)
Ghana (GH)
Guinea (GN)
Guinea-Bissau (GW)
Guyana (GY)
Kenya (KE)
Liberia (LR)
Mali (ML)
Mauritania (MR)
Niger (NE)
Nigeria (NG)
Panama (PA)
Paraguay (PY)
Peru (PE)
Rwanda (RW)
Senegal (SN)
Sierra Leone (SL)
South Sudan (SS)
Sudan (SD)
Suriname (SR)
Togo (TG)
Trinidad and Tobago (TT)
Uganda (UG)
Venezuela (VE)