AA 10% discount



KAYAK is one of a few, select travel sites that include American Airlines flights in our search results, and now for a limited time, American is giving KAYAK users an extra 10% off* when you select American Airlines, American Eagle, or American Connection for your trip.
All you have to do is search for a flight on KAYAK before February 4, 2011, choose American Airlines, and purchase a ticket for travel before March 9, 2011.
Here's your personal promotional code to use when you complete your booking on AA.com:


* Restrictions, taxes, and fees apply.
KAYAK lets you compare hundreds of travel sites at once.. You'll find over 300 airlines, including more than 3,400 daily flights on American Airlines, American Eagle, and American Connection.

Thanks for using KAYAK.

Ich weis nicht ob er "trageted" ist. LG an alle!