Besten Dank - obwohl ich das nicht verstehe, da Phuket ja einen eigenen offenen Airport hat und auch am Landweg erreichbar ist!!
HKT ist verhältnissmässig voll zur Zeit.
Dazu kommen wohl Logistikprobleme in und um BKK.
Der Herr Gov hat heute eine Rundtour gemacht
Phuket NEWS: Phuket Governor goes shopping for flood price hikes
"All three were short of some products, such as popular or cheap brands of rice, condensed milk, sugar, water, instant noodles and dry food products.
However, where stocks had been cleared of the popular or cheap brands, other more expensive brands of the same essential items were still available, including bottled water.
The management at all three retailers explained to the governor that the problem resulted from the floods in and around Bangkok and Central Thailand.
Some manufacturers have been forced to cease production, as their factories are under water, and those that are still in production have inflated transportation costs to cope with as delivery vehicles have to navigate flooded roads and highways.
Vom Gefühl her würde ich sagen das Phuket nach wie vor "für uns sicher" ist, wenn man sich nicht nur von Mama Noodelsoup und Billigreis ernährt.
Madame muss morgen in die Makro (TH Version der Metro), mal schauen was sie sagt.