Dear xxxxxxx
We would like to kindly ask you to provide more information on the following:
· What is the main purpose of the account?
· How will you fund the account?
· How did you understand about our service?
Please fill out the attached declaration and provide it to us.
In addition, kindly provide us with recent proof of address document which can be either a Utility Bill or a Bank statement on your name.
Please upload the documents directly into your account -> open the mobile application -> tap on 'Menu' -> click on the icon next to your name -> button 'Upload document' - you can choose the type of document you are uploading -> Take a photo/Upload file.
Let us know once you do, so we can proceed.
Kind Regards,
iCard Team
Customer Support
Das Konto ist sowieso auf Null bzw. nicht mehr im Einsatz.
Schonmal jemand davon gehört ?