JetBlue | Pop-Up SaleTaxes, Fees and Restrictions: Offers end Oct. 5, 2010 the earlier between 11:59 PM EDT or local time. 7-day advance purchase required. Valid for travel between Oct. 12 - Dec. 15, 2010. Blackout dates Nov. 23 - 30, 2010. Offers subject to change without notice; may not be available on all days or flights; must be purchased at time of reservation; nonrefundable; nontransferable; and oneway. $15 fee for fares (not Award flights) purchased over the phone or at a ticket office (airport/city) from JetBlue. Offers do not include Passenger Facility Charges up to $9 each way, September 11th Security Fees up to $5 each way, and a Federal Segment Tax of $3.70 per domestic segment (a segment is a takeoff and landing). International offers do not include government fees and taxes up to $127.60 each way. Puerto Rico offers do not include a U.S. Arrival/Departure Tax of $16.10 each way. Taxes and fees must be paid at the time of purchase. Proper documentation required for boarding.