Aviation Herald - News, Incidents and Accidents in Aviation
die dekodierten METAR:
Location: RPVM
Latitude: 10°18'48"N - Longitude: 123°58'60"E.
Magnetic declination: 1.86°W
Sunrise: 21:33 UTC
Sunset: 09:23 UTC
Report emitted the day: 23, time 16:00 UTC
Sunday 23 October 2022 18:00 local time.
Wind: True direction = 210 degrees, speed: 5 knots (9 km/h) (3 m/s).
Runway 04, length 10827 feet, altitude 18 feet: Cross Wind 1 KT Right - Centerline Wind 5 KT rear.
Runway 22, length 10827 feet, altitude 28 feet: Cross Wind 1 KT Left - Centerline Wind 5 KT front.
Minimum horizontal visibility: 8000 m.
Weather: Light Thunderstorms Rain .
Clouds: Scattered (3-4 oktas), at 1800 feet above aerodrome level (549 meters), cumulonimbus.
Clouds: Overcast sky (8 oktas), at 9000 feet above aerodrome level (2743 meters).
Temperature: 25 degrees Celsius (77 Fahrenheit). Dewpoint: 24 degrees Celsius (75 Fahrenheit). Relative humidity 94.2 %.
QNH (Sea-level pressure): 1010 hPa (29.83 inches).
Additional information:
QNH (Sea-level pressure): 29.83 inches (1010 hPa).
Location: RPVM
Latitude: 10°18'48"N - Longitude: 123°58'60"E.
Magnetic declination: 1.86°W
Sunrise: 21:33 UTC
Sunset: 09:23 UTC
Report emitted the day: 23, time 15:00 UTC
Sunday 23 October 2022 17:00 local time.
Wind: True direction = 220 degrees, speed: 9 knots (17 km/h) (5 m/s).
Runway 04, length 10827 feet, altitude 18 feet: Cross Wind 0 KT Left - Centerline Wind 9 KT rear.
Runway 22, length 10827 feet, altitude 28 feet: Cross Wind 0 KT Right - Centerline Wind 9 KT front.
Minimum horizontal visibility: 8000 m.
Weather: Light Thunderstorms Rain .
Clouds: Scattered (3-4 oktas), at 1800 feet above aerodrome level (549 meters), cumulonimbus.
Clouds: Overcast sky (8 oktas), at 9000 feet above aerodrome level (2743 meters).
Temperature: 25 degrees Celsius (77 Fahrenheit). Dewpoint: 25 degrees Celsius (77 Fahrenheit). Relative humidity 100 %.
QNH (Sea-level pressure): 1010 hPa (29.83 inches).
Additional information:
QNH (Sea-level pressure): 29.83 inches (1010 hPa).
Location: RPVM
Latitude: 10°18'48"N - Longitude: 123°58'60"E.
Magnetic declination: 1.86°W
Sunrise: 21:33 UTC
Sunset: 09:23 UTC
Report emitted the day: 23, time 14:00 UTC
Sunday 23 October 2022 16:00 local time.
Wind: Variable in direction, speed: 3 knots (6 km/h) (2 m/s).
Minimum horizontal visibility: 8000 m.
Weather: Light Thunderstorms Rain .
Clouds: Scattered (3-4 oktas), at 1800 feet above aerodrome level (549 meters), cumulonimbus.
Clouds: Overcast sky (8 oktas), at 9000 feet above aerodrome level (2743 meters).
Temperature: 27 degrees Celsius (81 Fahrenheit). Dewpoint: 25 degrees Celsius (77 Fahrenheit). Relative humidity 88.86 %. Heat index = 31 degrees Celsius (88 Fahrenheit). Caution. Fatigue possible.
QNH (Sea-level pressure): 1010 hPa (29.83 inches).
Additional information:
QNH (Sea-level pressure): 29.83 inches (1010 hPa).