FR: Lauda unter "erhöhter Aufsicht"



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Nach einem Unfall auf einem Flug OE1342 nach Dublin (radio failure, fume event, unconscious pax) steht Lauda nun unter "erhöhter Aufsicht" von Austrocontrol. Weiterhin prüft das Verkehrsministerium eine hohe Verwaltungsstrafe. Gerüchte wonach Lauda die Berechtigung zur Wartung von Flugzeugen auf dem Flughafen Wien-Schwechat bis auf Weiteres entzogen worden sein soll, dementieren alle Beteiligten.

Accident: Laudamotion A320 at Vienna, enroute and Dublin on Nov 25th 2019, communication problems and fumes
A Laudamotion Airbus A320-200, registration OE-LOX performing flight OE-1342 from Vienna (Austria) to Dublin (Ireland) with 179 people on board, was climing out of Vienna when upon contacting Vienna Radar the crew was unable to establish two way communications, it became clear ground stations could hear the aircraft, but the aircraft could not hear the ground stations on any of their three onboard radios. After trying several frequencies a frequency was found in which two way communication was possible, ATC throughout Europe subsequently arranged specific frequencies for the remainder of the flight to Dublin. The aircraft initially maintained FL300, but near Erfurt (Germany) descended to FL240 on ATC instruction for the remainder of the cruise flight in response to the frequency problem. At about the same time during climb flight attendants noticed a strange odour in the cabin, similiar to menthol or disinfection fluids, for some brief moments, the smell dissipated again. Later into the flight a female passenger fainted and became unconscious for a brief period of time. A doctor on board was called and treated the woman, who became conscious again and was provided with water and cooling compresses. Medical services were requested for the arrival in Dublin, emergency services thus took their standby positions for the arrival in Dublin. During the descent towards Dublin, while descending towards Dublin an intense odour of dirty/old socks was detected by cabin crew, the first officer confirmed smelling that odour, too. Cabin crew reported being dizzy and suffering from headaches, the flight crew remained unaffected so far, maintained routine communication, performed the intercept to final approach and landed on Dublin's runway 10 about 2.5 hours after departure. Two cabin crew went to see doctors in a Dublin hospital.
Quelle: AVHerald




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