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Save up to 22% on Lufthansa Italia flights!.
Celebrate with us the second Lufthansa Italia birthday with fligths to Italy and Europe to very special prices!
Choose your destination
Barcelonafrom78 €*.
Barifrom46 €*.
Budapestfrom78 €*.
Cagliarifrom46 €*.
Cataniafrom46 €*.
Lisbonfrom78 €*.
Londonfrom78 €*.
Madridfrom78 €*.
Naplesfrom46 €*.
Olbiafrom46 €*.
Palermofrom46 €*.
Parisfrom78 €*.
Praguefrom78 €*.
Stockholmfrom78 €*.
Warsawfrom78 €*.
Conditions for this offer
Purchase by: 13.02.2011
Departure period: 22.02.2011-31.01.2012
Return period: 22.02.2011-02.02.2012
Minimum stay: 4 days / saturday night
Maximum stay: 12 months
Flight to and from Madrid operational until 27.03
Flight to and from Olbia operational 22.05 - 02.10
Flight to and from Catania operational as of 27.03
Flight to and from Cagliari operational 02.07 - 18.09
The fare is valid for round-trip flights and include all taxes and service fee. Subject to alterations.
Bucht in S-Klasse, gibt also 500/750 Meilen pro Strecke plus ggf. Exec-Bonus.
Viele Grüße - Dirk
Save up to 22% on Lufthansa Italia flights!.
Celebrate with us the second Lufthansa Italia birthday with fligths to Italy and Europe to very special prices!
Choose your destination
Barcelonafrom78 €*.
Barifrom46 €*.
Budapestfrom78 €*.
Cagliarifrom46 €*.
Cataniafrom46 €*.
Lisbonfrom78 €*.
Londonfrom78 €*.
Madridfrom78 €*.
Naplesfrom46 €*.
Olbiafrom46 €*.
Palermofrom46 €*.
Parisfrom78 €*.
Praguefrom78 €*.
Stockholmfrom78 €*.
Warsawfrom78 €*.
Conditions for this offer
Purchase by: 13.02.2011
Departure period: 22.02.2011-31.01.2012
Return period: 22.02.2011-02.02.2012
Minimum stay: 4 days / saturday night
Maximum stay: 12 months
Flight to and from Madrid operational until 27.03
Flight to and from Olbia operational 22.05 - 02.10
Flight to and from Catania operational as of 27.03
Flight to and from Cagliari operational 02.07 - 18.09
The fare is valid for round-trip flights and include all taxes and service fee. Subject to alterations.
Bucht in S-Klasse, gibt also 500/750 Meilen pro Strecke plus ggf. Exec-Bonus.
Viele Grüße - Dirk