Sicherheit bei Hong Kong Airlines fraglich



Parlour Talker
Ein "netter" Artikel ueber die Sicherheits-Standards bei Hong Kong Airlines. Ganz interessant vielleicht fuer alle, die sich ueberlegen, einen Flug mit denen zu buchen...

Company defends its record as captain speaks out on what he calls 'terrible standards'

As Christopher Allan prepared to jet out of Hong Kong with his family before taking up a new job overseas, one thing was certain about their travel arrangements: They wouldn't be flying with Hong Kong Airlines.

"I wouldn't put my wife and kids on Hong Kong Airlines - I really wouldn't," the 56-year-old said of one of the world's youngest and fastest-growing airlines.

Like any paying customer, Allan is entitled to choose whatever airline he feels happiest with. What makes his choice intriguing, however, is that Allan was moving abroad after working as a senior captain and examiner of pilots on Hong Kong Airlines.

Mehr hier: Safety questioned at Hong Kong Airlines | South China Morning Post


Ich hab schon von einiges Horrorstories aus China gehoert und letztendlich ist Hong Kond Airlines ja nur der HK Ableger von Hainan Airlines, wuerde mich nicht verwundern wenn an der ganze Geschichte doch was Wahres dran ist.

Besonders wenn ich so was [aus dem offizielem Press Release] lese

"We have been handling Mr Allan's complaint according to established procedures, and despite the lack of document proofs, we investigated each of Mr Allan's allegation(s)."

Ist klar, ich kanns nicht beweisen aber bitte glaubt mir, ich habe das alles ganz nach Vorschrift und besonders ordentlich ueberprueft !!!