US Airways A330-200 European Routes update
The following is US Airways' planned Airbus A330-200 European routes in Winter 2009/10 Season AS WELL AS 2010 Summer season. Note all data are as of 08SEP09 and further changes is expected.
The Airbus A330-200 in 2010 is to be introduced on service to Rome, Barcelona and Frankfurt.
Inaugural dates are the following:
Philadelphia - London Heathrow eff 24OCT09 (767 to operate between 27MAR10 and 08MAY10)
Philadelphia - Munich eff 17DEC09
Philadelphia - Rome 01MAR10 - 08MAY10 only
Philadelphia - Barcelona eff 04APR10
Philadelphia - Frankfurt US702/703, eff 04APR10
Daily Philadelphia - Tel Aviv continues With Airbus A330-200 service with no changes so far
airline route updates: US Airways A330-200 European Routes update
Somit werden die Envoy Plätze auf der US702/703 von 30 auf 20 reduziert. Der A330-200 besitzt in jedem Sitz einen USB Port.