Zusammenschluss: TAM Airlines & LAN Airlines


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Erfahrenes Mitglied
Die brasilianische Fluggesellschaft TAM Airlines und die chilenische Fluggesellschaft LAN Airlines planen den Zusammenschluss zur größten Fluggesellschaft Lateinamerikas.

Hier der Originaltext:

- US $400 million in annual expected synergies
- Unparalleled cargo network

- Seamless travel across Latin America and between Latin America and the world
- Continued commitment to current markets; new destinations to be added; employees would benefit from faster growth and increased job stability

LAN and TAM to continue to operate as distinct airlines and independent brands;
- US $400 million in annual expected synergies

SANTIAGO, CHILE and SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - August 13, 2010 - LAN Airlines S.A. (LAN) (NYSE: LFL/IPSA: LAN) and TAM S.A. (TAM) (BM&FBOVESPA: TAMM4/NYSE: TAM) today announced that they have entered into a non-binding MOU that outlines their intentions to combine their holdings under a single parent entity. The combination would create a new Latin American airline group that would offer seamless passenger and cargo service across the continent and around the world. The new group, to be known as LATAM Airlines Group, would include Lan Airlines and its affiliates in Peru, Argentina and Ecuador; Lan Cargo and its affiliates; TAM Lineas Aereas S.A.; TAM Mercosur and all other holdings of LAN and TAM. The transaction is subject to both parties entering into a binding definitive agreement and satisfaction of conditions, including corporate and shareholder approvals and actions and regulatory approvals.

Each of the airlines in the group would continue to operate under their existing operating certificates and brands. The carriers would work to build a comprehensive network of international passenger flights and cargo services throughout the region. Growth enabled by the transaction would reach new destinations, create more opportunities for employees of both companies and more value creation for shareholders and would foster economic development and job growth in the home countries of the Group airlines and the countries they serve.

The all-stock transaction would consolidate the economic interests of LAN and TAM under a single parent entity while satisfying the foreign ownership and control requirements of each country where they operate. In connection with the transaction, LAN Airlines S.A. would be renamed LATAM Airlines Group S.A. (LATAM) and would serve as a parent company that will align activities for all group holdings. TAM shareholders would be offered 0.90 shares of common stock of LATAM for each share of TAM.

LATAM would retain its listing in the Santiago stock exchange and its ADR listing in the New York Stock Exchange and plans to list its shares, via BDRs, in the Bovespa in Brazil.

Within the group, TAM would continue to operate as a Brazilian company with its own structure. The current holdings of LAN Airlines S.A. would operate as an independent business unit within the group (and be referred to as LAN Airlines). Each airline within the group would maintain its current headquarters and governance structure.

The combined airline group would provide passenger services to more than 115 destinations in 23 countries while providing cargo services throughout Latin America and across much of the globe. The airlines of the group would operate a fleet of more than 220 aircraft, and have more than 40,000 employees. In 2009 these carriers had combined revenues of US $8.5 billion, carried more than 45 million passengers and carried combined cargo of 832,000 tons. The Group would be among the leading airline groups in the world in terms of size, profitability and market reach.

The combination is expected to generate annual synergies of approximately US $400 million. These synergies are expected to come broadly in equal proportion from alignment of the passenger networks, growth in the cargo network (both internationally and in Brazil), and reduced cost. Management expects that it would be able to implement approximately one third of the synergies within the first year following the close of the transaction and all synergies by the end of the third year.

Further information about the transaction can be found at www.latamairlines.com.

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