• Dieses Forum dient dem Erfahrungsaustausch und nicht dem (kommerziellen) Anbieten von Incentives zum Abschluss einer neuen Kreditkarte.

    Wer sich werben lassen möchte, kann gerne ein entsprechendes Thema im Bereich "Marketplace" starten.
    Wer neue Karteninhaber werben möchte, ist hier fehl am Platz. Das Forum braucht keinen Spam zur Anwerbung neuer Kreditkarteninhaber.

    Beiträge, bei denen neue Kreditkarteninhaber geworben werden sollen, werden ohne gesonderte Nachricht in beiden Foren entfernt.

    User, die sich zum Werben neuer Kreditkarteninhaber neu anmelden, werden wegen Spam direkt dauerhaft gesperrt. User, die an anderer Stelle im Forum mitdiskutieren, sich aber nicht an diese Regeln halten, müssen mit mindestens 7 Tagen Forenurlaub rechnen.

Dukascopy Bank



Erfahrenes Mitglied
Die App der Dukascopy-Bank ist aber auch grottenschlecht aus dem Französischen ins Deutsche übersetzt worden. Der Hauptreiter/Maintab heißt z.B. "Katzen".

Wie bereits in meinem vorangegangen Posting erwähnt kann man zwar die Karte bei Curve nicht hinzufügen, aber wenn man eine Bankera Karte bei Curve hinzufügt und das Design auswählt, ist das Bild der Dukascopy-Karte ebenfalls hinterlegt.

Naja, die Dukascopy Swiss Bankers Traveller Card ist ja auch zu 80-90 % ein Design-Klon der aktuellen Bankera-Karte.


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Es geht um


Art. 16 E- money accounts

1 Reporting Swiss financial institutions may treat e-money accounts as excluded accounts in accordance with Article 4 paragraph 3 of the AEOIA, provided:
a. the accounts are used exclusively as a means of payment in the form of e-money for cashless payments for goods and services, for cash withdrawals or for cashless payment transactions between individuals for which an electronically stored balance is a requirement for the transaction; b. a contractually agreed balance of no more than 10,000 Swiss francs, US dollars or euros applies; c. each overpayment of more than 10,000 Swiss francs, US dollars or euros is refunded to the account holder within 60 days; and d. no interest is credited to the accounts.
2 E-money means any electronically stored monetary value in the form of a claim on the e-money issuer that is issued on receipt of an amount of money for the purpose of making payment transactions and that is accepted by individuals or entities other than the e-money issuer.

Finde das interessannt

Die Kredit/Debitkarten zählen wohl zu E-Money. Das Währungskonto wohl nicht.


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Mein Flowbank-Konto wurde in der Zwischenzeit ebenfalls eröffnet.

Soeben kam die folgende E-Mail:

Change of Ombudsman
We inform you that the Ombudsman of FlowBank Ltd. is now the Swiss Banking Ombudsman and no longer the Swiss Arbitration Centre. Therefore, if you wish to initiate a mediation procedure with the Swiss Banking Ombudsman after your complaint to FlowBank Ltd., you can contact the Ombudsman at the following coordinates: https://bankingombudsman.ch/en/

Swiss Banking Ombudsman
Bahnhofplatz 9
P.O. Box
8021 Zurich

Phone information
+41 43 266 14 14 German / English
+41 21 311 29 83 Français / Italiano

If you have any questions about our services or products, please contact your usual contact at FlowBank Ltd. or our customer support via support@flowbank.com or +41 22 888 66 00.
Feel free to contact us if you need any clarification regarding the above.​

The FlowBank Team


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Derzeit geht es, was die Cyberattacken auf Banken betrifft, wohl rund.

Dear Fiatstilojtd,

We are writing to inform you that the information systems of London Capital Group Limited (LCG), a subsidiary of FlowBank, have been the target of a cyberattack.

FlowBank, which was not the target of this attack, took immediate actions to respond to this incident and to protect its IT infrastructure. Our services have not been impacted.

FlowBank is currently investigating the situation in close collaboration with security and cybercrime specialists, including the Judicial Police, the Swiss National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), and external experts in order to analyse the consequences of the cyberattack.

According to the information available at the time, the perpetrators of the attack were able to access FlowBank’s customer data, such as customers’ personal contact details.

At this time, there is no indication that personal information of any nature will be misused, but please be cautious if you receive any unsolicited communications, especially from people you do not know, for example if you are contacted by individuals by email or phone, who claim to be from your bank, Internet service provider or insurance company and use your personal information to gain your trust.

Please note that FlowBank will never contact you unprompted to ask for information about your account by any means of communication. In the same way, FlowBank will never ask you to disclose your password or to change your passwords on your FlowBank account.

FlowBank's top priority is to ensure the security of your information and to take all measures to protect you. We are working to resolve this situation as quickly as possible with the support of internal and external specialists.

FlowBank has informed the relevant authorities and filed a criminal complaint against the perpetrators of the cyberattack.

We deeply regret and apologize for the inconvenience caused by this incident.

For any questions or information, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support (mailto:support@flowbank.com) 24/7.

Kind regards,

The FlowBank Team

Have any questions?


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Nur dass ich das jetzt richtig verstehe:
Dukascopy und Flowbank haben nicht viel miteinander zu tun? (ausser dem Mr. Zach, der zufällig bei beiden im Vorstand sitzt)


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Nur dass ich das jetzt richtig verstehe:
Dukascopy und Flowbank haben nicht viel miteinander zu tun? (ausser dem Mr. Zach, der zufällig bei beiden im Vorstand sitzt)
Richtig, damals wurden - aus "Effiziengründen" ;) - Dukascopy und Flowbank in einem Thread bearbeitet...wollte nicht wegen einem Post einen neuen Thread eröffnen.


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Update zur FlowBank SA:
  • Like
Reaktionen: franky1


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Das Konto bei der FlowBank zu schließen war übrigens ein Ding der Unmöglichkeit. Selbst Schweizer bzw. Menschen mit Wohnort in der Schweiz mittels eingeschriebenem Brief sind daran gescheitert.

Das hat sich ja nun erledigt.

Zusätzlich zur Finma Nachricht im vorangegangenen Post kam soeben die folgende Nachricht per E-Mail:

Information letter to the clients of FlowBank SA

1. General situation​

By decision of 12 June 2024, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) opened bankruptcy proceedings against FlowBank SA (the Bank) with effect from 13 June 2024 at 8:00 a.m. As a consequence, the FINMA withdrew the license of the Bank as bank and securities dealer.

The FINMA appointed Walder Wyss SA, succursale de Genève, 14 rue du Rhône, P.O Box, 1211 Geneva 3 as bankruptcy liquidators (the Liquidators). The place of jurisdiction for the bankruptcy is the Bank’s head office in Geneva.

The commercial activities of the Bank stopped at the opening of the bankruptcy. The Bank is no longer authorised to carry out banking transactions or to act as securities dealer. In this regard, all payments, purchases and sales of securities can not longer be made. The Bank and its governing bodies are strictly prohibited from carrying out any legal act without the approval of the Liquidators.

2. Secured deposits​

Client’s cash deposited with the Bank in Switzerland in an account opened in their name will be reimbursed in the short term up to a maximum amount of CHF 100,000 (one hundred thousand Swiss francs).

The Liquidators are currently preparing the repayment terms and conditions, which will be communicated to the clients as soon as possible.

3. Segregation of custody assets​

Custody assets according to Article 16 of the Banking Act (such as shares, bonds, funds, certificates etc.) remain the property of the clients, do not form part of the bankrupt estate and will be transferred to them subject to any compensation or restrictions.

The Liquidators are currently preparing the modalities of transfer, which will be communicated to the clients as soon as possible.

4. Termination of contracts entered into with the Bank​

All agreements between the Bank and its clients, such as contracts for differences, contracts linked to financial instruments and derivative contracts, are terminated with immediate effect.

5. No takeover of contracts​

Unless the Liquidators declare otherwise, contracts of duration (such as lease or leasing contracts) will not be taken over by the bankrupt estate.

6. Information to the clients of the Bank​

The Liquidators will shortly be sending the Bank’s clients a circular describing the procedure for repayment of the secured deposits and the transfer of the custody assets.

For any additional information, the Liquidators invite the clients to refer to the website of the FINMA or to contact them by e-mail at the following address : project-liquidateurfb@walderwyss.com. A dedicated website and hotline will be available as soon as possible.

* * *

For FlowBank SA in liquidation, Walder Wyss SA​


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Jetzt auch von Seiten Flowbank:

Additional information to clients of FlowBank Ltd. in liquidation as of
17 June 2024:​

The liquidators inform you that the following actions have been taken with effect as of the opening of bankruptcy of FlowBank Ltd. in liquidation, i.e. on 13 June 2024 at 8.00 a.m. (the Opening of the Bankruptcy):

- closure of CFD positions on the Opening of the Bankruptcy;

- conversion of deposits in foreign currencies into Swiss francs (CHF) at the rates applicable at the Opening of the Bankruptcy.

The liquidators are currently working on the payment of secured deposits as soon as possible.

In the meantime, the liquidators draw your attention to the fact that no payment or transfers, including standing orders, can be made from your account FlowBank Ltd. in liquidation.

You are therefore invited to provide all your potential counterparties with the bank details of an account that you hold with another bank in order to receive your future payments.

For FlowBank Ltd. in liquidation,

Walder Wyss Ltd.

Have any questions?
Visit our Help Center or contact Support
FlowBank SA, Esplanade de Pont-Rouge 9, P.O. Box 1303, 1211 Geneva 26, Switzerland, +41 (0) 22 888 60 00​
This email should be used for informational purposes only and is subject to change.
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately, and delete it from your system. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. Although we scan attachments, we advise you to carry out your own virus check before opening any attachment.​

15 EUR Kontoschließungsgebühren plus Kosten für den eingeschriebenen Brief gespart. ;)