Update regarding Reactivation of Cards.
The team continues to work through the final tests, based primarily on the review of a large sample group of transactions. These tests are being completed in close collaboration with our partners at Moorwand, Tribe and Mastercard.
As part of the test, we re-opened the cards for a small test group (approx. 30 members). The transactions carried out by the test group are all going through careful scrutiny on the back-end.
As things stand, the next step will be to reactivate cards for a second, larger batch of members, followed by deployment of an update to the App Stores and reactivation for all other members.
In the meantime, our team is working to deliver the rebate payments for Digital Subscription usage since initial launch.
We understand this is a frustrating period, and are grateful for the ongoing patience of the community. After a stop-start launch, our focus is now on ensuring the re-launch meets the expectations of our community.
While many of you ask for commitments to timelines, to avoid further disappointment we will refrain from doing so. We also felt that our daily interaction within Telegram groups was at times counter-intuitive, so for this period our intention is to focus updates when there is actual news to share.
There have been a number of questions relating to international FX fees as part of the test group, once again, we’ll give a clear update on this once we have worked through resolving the issues with our processing partner. This type of discovery is exemplifies the importance of the testing period.
We are on the right track to reactivation, and once again we thank you for your patience and understanding.
The hi Team