Weiss jemand in welcher Buchungsklasse die Tickets ausgestellt wurden?
Ich habe über eine US Seite gebucht CAI-ADD-SIN-AKL für 726 USD.
Ich kann das ganze auf Ethiopian auch nachschauen, dort steht unter meinem Reservation Code "Completed" und könnte nun Plätze reservieren bzw. Flüge ändern.
Mindest, siehe Betreff.
FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - [PREM FARE GONE] ET: CAI-AKL o/w in J as low as US$440Dear Mr. Niguusie,
Thank you for your email.
First, I would like to note that when Ethiopian Airlines sells a ticket, it enters into an enforceable, legal, binding contract with each customer who purchases said ticket, with a set of rules and regulations set by the tariff, Ethiopian Airlines, and the governments and regulators of the country where the ticket was sold, the governments and regulators of the country where the ticket originates, the governments and regulators of the country where the ticket transits, and the governments and regulators of the destination country.
The tickets that you sold to each of us are subject to a certain set of penalties for any unilateral cancellation, this includes a cancellation charge.
In the email above you are stating that Ethiopian Airlines is choosing to unilaterally cancel these tickets due to what you are calling a "wrong fare calculation." You are contacting us more two days after the tickets have been issued and after Ethiopian Airlines entered into a legally-binding enforceable contract with its customers who purchased said tickets.
I would like to remind Ethiopian Airlines, that if I was a customer that booked a ticket due to an error on my part, I would be required to pay a cancellation fee (assuming the ticket was cancellable). Thus, since you, Mr. Niguusie, in the name of Ethiopian Airlines, are looking to cancel the tickets you are subject to the same penalties that a customer would be subject to if they choose to unilaterally choose to cancel a ticket, as specified by the fare rules.
In my view, Ethiopian Airlines has two options:
1. Reinstate the tickets in business class.
2. Issue a full refund of the amount that I have paid, plus an amount equivalent to the cancellation fee that is part of the contract that you have agreed to when you issued a ticket.
Failing to pay this amount will result in:
1. Legal action against Ethiopian Airlines for failing to hold up its end of the legally-binding contract and for engaging in repeated deceptive advertising practices.
2. A report about deceptive practices and breach of contract with consumers to, among others,
- Ethiopian Trade Practice and Consumers Protection Authority (Ministry of Trade);
- Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority;
- Consumer Protection Agency of Egypt;
- Civil Aviation Authority of Egypt;
- Egypt Corruption Report;
- Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau of Singapore;
- The Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE);
- Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore
- Consumer Protection Division of the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment of New Zealand;
- Serious Fraud Office (New Zealand);
- the Department of Transportation (USA) [as the ticket was sold by a US-based online travel agency];
- Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand;
- International Air Transport Association (IATA);
Ethiopian Airlines has a long track record for defrauding consumers with these so-called "wrong fare calculations" which will not be difficult to show. [Anmerkung der AUA772-Redaktion: Ein Kenner.]
Second, by revealing the identity of your valued customers to other valued customers you have violated a number of privacy laws in multiple countries. I will review my options and will get back to you with my request for what I think is a reasonable compensation for this data breach.
I wish you a pleasant weekend. Please feel free to call or email me if you would like to discuss your options.
Warmest regards,
xxxxxxxxxx, Ph.D.
Es gibt im Forum nur einen Juser, der seinen Doktortitel immer erwähnt und Wert darauf legt, mit dem Titel angesprochen zu werden![]()
Es gibt im Forum nur einen Juser, der seinen Doktortitel immer erwähnt und Wert darauf legt, mit dem Titel angesprochen zu werden![]()
Bei mir steht alles noch auf confirmed ( März 2018 )![]()
Danke für die Info Martin82 und ETOPS, wo genau kann ich denn nachsehen ob meine Buchung auf O oder A steht ?
Bei CMT steht confirmed, das tut es auch bei allen anderen gebuchten Flügen, die keine Error Fare sind und auf der Homepage von Singapore Airlines steht auch bei mir "bestätigt"!
Bei Ethiopian steht completed.
denkt ihr, das geht so durch bzw. was wird bei euch angezeigt?