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Eine neue Crypto Debit Card von hi.com mit Cashback und Hotel Benefits



Aktives Mitglied
Weitere Aussagen auf Telegram

Als Antwort auf eine Frage, weil einer am ersten paar Buchungen hat.
It should be fixed before the next payment cycle - we're working to get everything back up within this week
Später dann noch
We are actively reviewing all the users - will start by unlocking members who registered with hi the earliest
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Neues Mitglied
Finde das Ganze höchst unprofessionell und die fehlende Kommunikation ist unterirdisch. Mein Account ist auch gesperrt. Ich hatte ein paar Refunds mit Beträgen unter 100,- €. Habe gerade mal in Excel geguckt. Ich habe durch die Refunds sogar HI verloren statt gewonnen. :ROFLMAO:

Natürlich kann ich verstehen, dass sie die Leute rausfischen wollen, die das System ausnutzen oder betrügen. Aber das muss auch anders gehen, als alle auszusperren. Mal sehen wie es weiter geht. Große Beträge werde ich denen aber erstmal nicht mehr anvertrauen.


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Gibts die Travel Benefits für die alten Silver Mitglieder eigentlich, wie damals versprochen? Und hat die schonmal jemand erfolgreich genutzt?


Reguläres Mitglied
Da die Hi Karte ja momentan nicht funktioniert eine Frage an die Curve Nutzer unter euch, funktioniert bei euch der anti-embarrassment mode? Es wurde bei mir nichtmal probiert meine andere Karte zu belasten und ich frage mich ob das ein hi spezifisches Problem ist weil ich im Curve Thread dazu momentan nichts lese.


Neues Mitglied
Mein Konto ist wieder frei (Registriert seit September 22, man geht wohl chronologisch durch die Accounts).
Die Karte ist, wie von hi.com angekündigt, noch nicht wieder nutzbar.
Auch eine ausgehender Transfer vom hi-Cashback auf eine externe Wallet wurde nun ausgeführt, nachdem dieser vor der Downtime bereits 5 Tage in der Warteschleife hing.


Aktives Mitglied
Mein Konto ist wieder frei (Registriert seit September 22, man geht wohl chronologisch durch die Accounts).
Die Karte ist, wie von hi.com angekündigt, noch nicht wieder nutzbar.
Auch eine ausgehender Transfer vom hi-Cashback auf eine externe Wallet wurde nun ausgeführt, nachdem dieser vor der Downtime bereits 5 Tage in der Warteschleife hing.
Mein Konto (das ich schon seit mitte 22 habe) ist immer noch dicht


Aktives Mitglied
Mehr halb offizielle Kommunikation von einem der Chefs:

Auf Anmerkungen, dass doch nicht in Order, weil welche von Dezember 2022 früher unlocked wurden als welche von 2021

I'll explain a little more -

The irregularity has to do with refunds and hi crediting users for funds that merchants triggering the refunds haven't settled yet.

We've unlocked users where their refunds are fully settled.

For the other accounts, either the refunds have been fraudulent, in which case, we would've suffered a loss, or the merchants have not settled because of unknown delays. We are working through the reconciliation with our issuer/processor and Mastercard.

And this also has nothing to do with rewards.

A lot of the users who are still locked has had refunds from legitimate merchants like Google, Netflix, Tesco - we're investigating with our banking partners why the funds are not settling.

Long story short - whether you've used curve or purchased directly and triggered a refund - for the unsettled transactions, we've paid the merchant and deducted your balance when you spent, but when you refunded we credited your account, but haven't received the money back from Mastercard.

I have a call with our banking partner in 2 hours to sort everything out

Will be able to provide more definitive answers after that. Appreciate everybody's patience.

There was a batch considered low risk

Now we're going through the others
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Aktives Mitglied
Einen Refund hatte ich nie, hatte nur ein paar Zahlungen, die abgelehnt wurden, aber eigentlich hätten durchgehen müssen. Evtl liegt es daran bei mir. Ich bin gespannt, ob ich an mein Geld wieder rankomme. Bin eigentlich auch kurz davor einen Chargeback einzuleiten für die Hi Dollars, die ich mir per KK gekauft habe


Aktives Mitglied
Und mal wieder was größeres von heute früh:

Hi everyone.

A quick status update.

Locked Accounts
Following review, the team has now unlocked another batch of accounts. Of the 1,300 or so accounts that were locked in relation to the situation 2 days ago, approximately 1,000 have now been re-opened.

If your account remains locked, please DM Lukas @Lukasee2 with your nickname and he will review personally with the team.

… UNLESS that is you are one of the attempted fraudsters - yes believe it or not, they are actually writing to me to ask for special treatment.

A number of you are also experiencing issues with IBANs. There are a small number of pending IBAN deposits in our system (approx 50) which will be processed and show in accounts within the next few hours. In addition, there are a small number of IBAN deposits and deactivations that occurred on Moorwand side that we hope to be able to provide an update on later today.

Remain deactivated.
There are a couple of steps we need to work through with both Moorwand and Mastercard before we are able to reactivate cards - not least to ensure we don’t experience a repeat of the incident of the past days. We thank you for your patience while we work through that. We expect this to take a few working days, will confirm actual timeline as soon as we can.

A number of you have asked if we can extend the deadline. We will extend until 10th Feb. A reminder to deposit CRO/NEXO and then email bonus@hi.com (Do not buy auto-staked HI). Processing may be slightly slower than normal this week.


Understand this is a frustrating passage of time for many members, we’re truly thankful for your patience.

Will provide more updates when relevant, we’re working as fast we can to resume full service. Wishing every one a good day in the meantime, and hopefully this will be welcome news for the European community especially as you wake up and start your days.

Please let’s try to keep things positive as we move forward.

Finally, my apologies that I was not available yesterday, I had (still have) a family emergency.

Appreciate your support as ever 🙏🏻


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Danke für die ganzen Infos.

A number of you are also experiencing issues with IBANs. There are a small number of pending IBAN deposits in our system (approx 50) which will be processed and show in accounts within the next few hours. In addition, there are a small number of IBAN deposits and deactivations that occurred on Moorwand side that we hope to be able to provide an update on later today"
Scheine ich wohl dabei zu sein. Meine Überweisung zu hi vom Wochenende ist, stand jetzt, immer noch nicht in der App verbucht.


Aktives Mitglied
Ist eigentlich irgendjemand, der das Cashback System gleich auf Herz und Nieren geprüft hat, schon wieder freigeschaltet?


Aktives Mitglied
Danke für die ganzen Infos.

Scheine ich wohl dabei zu sein. Meine Überweisung zu hi vom Wochenende ist, stand jetzt, immer noch nicht in der App verbucht.
Bei mir ebenso.
Ich hab zwei Testüberweisungen gemacht mit je 10€. Eine ist bisher verbucht. Ich kann leider nicht sehen welche, da der Betreff nicht sichtbar ist (oder ich bin zu blöd den zu finden)


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Drei. Meine Überweisung von Montag ist auch immer noch nicht da.
Ich vermute stark, dass die 50 leicht untertrieben ist. 😂


Aktives Mitglied
So, ein Statement ist da:

Hello everyone,

Please find the official report of what happened the last days here.

We hope that this report will clarify the situation to all of you. If you still have any questions, the team will do its best to answer any questions.

Thank you everyone for your patience and understanding the past days, the whole team really appreciates it.

Es wurde dann ein PDF raufgeladen, das ich hier angehängt habe. Wer es nicht öffnen will oder kann - warum auch immer - hier eine copy und paste:
(habe mir aber jetzt keine Mühe gegeben, es schöner zu formatieren ;) )

Situation Report: Attempted Fraud Using the hi Debit Card
27th January 2023. Authored by hi
On Saturday 21st January 2023, the hi Team flagged a relatively high volume of suspicious transactions using the hi Debit Card. The transactions were flagged as suspicious for the following reasons:
  • Abnormal frequency of refund requests (including international)
  • Abnormal value of refund requests
    Upon further investigation, additional suspicious patterns were identified with these transactions, including:
  • Age of hi accounts (they were newly created)
  • Geographic locations of suspect accounts (4-5 of the same markets based on KYC,
    including Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Italy, and Ukraine).
The hi Team quickly established that a large scale, and coordinated fraud attempt was in progress. Card processing and issuing partners were quickly notified of the situation.
Although several courses of action were considered, given the number of suspicious transactions identified, a consensus was reached that the most responsible response was to temporarily revoke access to the hi Platform and its Services (including Mobile Apps, Web App, and Card Services). Whilst inconvenient, this would not only prevent more bad actors from attempting to participate in the fraud, but also protect the hi Platform from potential loss of funds or related damages. We do not take this decision lightly, and it was done to protect the interests of our legitimate customers.
While the investigation is ongoing, It has since transpired that the methods used by the bad actors included gaining access to merchants or acquirers and triggering fraudulent transactions, including refunds to thereby illegitimately acquire funds.
Approximately 300 hi accounts are suspected of being involved. It is believed that the attempted fraud was promoted and coordinated via an external Russian language Telegram group. While our review of accounts continues, at this point the hi Team anticipates minimal loss of company funds, and we are in the process of recovering illegitimate funds transferred to other platforms. It should be reiterated that hi is fully solvent with all user assets in both fiat and crypto safe, accounted for, and backed 1:1, and the funds of individual

hi members were never at risk of exploitation. The hi Team is currently working with our partners to ensure that the correct systems and processes are in place to prevent such attempts in the future, and it is thanks to the fast action of the Compliance and Technology teams from all parties involved that this attempt was caught early.
Whilst many hi members experienced a frustrating few days with App downtime, the hi Team would like to take this opportunity to reiterate that any attempt at financial crime via the hi Platform will not be condoned, and will be reported to the relevant authorities where possible.
Service Status
As a result of the necessary action of disabling the hi Platform and Services temporarily, several services were affected. At time of writing, here is the current Service Status:
Mobile Apps:
Web App:
Crypto Deposits: Fiat Deposits: Crypto Withdrawals: Fiat Withdrawals: Debit Card:
Active Active Active Active Active Inactive Inactive
We will provide frequent status updates via our official Telegram, Twitter & Email channels over the coming days, and will work with our partners to resume normal service as soon as possible.
We hope this report gives hi members a clear understanding of the course of events and measures taken over the past few days. Please reach out to us via official channels if you have any questions.
The hi Team


  • _Situation Report_ Attempted Fraud Using the hi Debit Card.pdf
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Erfahrenes Mitglied
Danke fürs Teilen.

Mein überwiesenes Geld ist nach wie vor noch nicht in der App verbucht, den Teil haben sie in dem Statement verschwiegen.


Aktives Mitglied
Auch meine Überweisung vom 23.1. noch nicht da.
Langsam wird mir die Bude suspekt :D