Hallo zusammen,
ich wurde heute beim OCI gefragt ob ich bereit wäre für eine Compensation von 300$ p.P. einen anderen Flug zu nehmen. Ob und wie entscheidet sich final am Gate. Habe jetzt eine Formular per Email erhalten, da ich grundsätzliche Bereitschaft erklärt habe:
"Thank you for volunteering to possibly take a later flight. What to do next:
1. Sign this form and add your email address.
2. Give the form to a United representative at the gate for this flight.
3. Stay in the immediate boarding area during the boarding process. We will hold your assigned seat until/unless we are sure it
is needed. If the flight is overbooked and you give up your seat, the representative will provide you with compensation and
details about an alternate flight. If we don't need you to give up your seat, you will be invited to board.
TERMS & CONDITIONS: Volunteers will be selected only when necessary. Travel certificates provided as compensation are redeemable for travel on any
United flight (United or United Express®) up to the stated amount. Travel certificates do not have cash value. Travel certificates have residual value. Travel
certificates are nontransferable and are valid for one year. You will be required to show a valid ID in order to use your certificate. Certificates cannot be sold,
traded or bartered."
Hat jemand von euch schon Erfahrung damit gesammelt und auf was für einen Flug wird man in der Regel umgebucht (selber Tag)? Danke für eure Infos/Erfahrungen dazu.