United und Continental fusionieren [vormals: Jetzt UA und CO in Fusionsgesprächen]



Erfahrenes Mitglied
bei NUE (bislang MUC)
Hier gibt es alle Details zu der Fusion:

Let's Fly Together

Einige Fakten dazu:
- Der gemeinsame Name: United
- Logo: Das ehemalige Continental Logo
- Headquarter: Chicago
- CEO: Smisek (CO)
- Chairman: Tilton (UA), ab 2012 auch Smisek




Moderator / Newbie-Guide
Jetzt UA und CO in Fusionsgesprächen

Die neue Marke gefällt mir.

Wie lange wird es wohl US noch geben? Gegen diese Größe können die doch nicht bestehen.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Du meinst ernsthaft, diese Fusion ist für US überlebbar? :D
Wenn sie es richtig machen, durchaus. Im Gegenteil, dann wird US die einzige Airline sein, die versucht beides zu kombinieren. Hubairline und Billigflieger. Potential steckt da ohne Ende drin. Zumal die US Flieger i.d.R. rappelvoll sind. Habe so gut wie nie in einem leeren gesessen.


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Wenn es so bleibt, CO livery mit United Schriftzug, finde ich die Flieger einfach nur Klasse (y)
Soeben eingetroffen von Continental

Dear Name entfernt,
We are proud to share some exciting news with you.
This morning, Continental announced that we have signed a definitive merger agreement with United Airlines. We plan to create a world-class airline with tremendous and enduring strengths.
Combined, Continental and United will offer the industry’s leading loyalty program, providing vast opportunities for members to earn and redeem miles with us and on our Star Alliance partners. Should you achieve Elite status, you will enjoy even more benefits such as upgrades and priority airport services. We will continue to provide you with the excellent and consistent service you value and have come to expect from us, across a much broader network with an unparalleled global reach.
Since our transition to Star Alliance last year, we’ve worked closely with United and are confident this combination will build upon the partnership we already have in place.
While this announcement doesn’t immediately affect your OnePass account or the travel plans you have with Continental, we know you may have questions about the proposed merger. We’ll keep you informed throughout the planned integration process and also encourage you to visit unitedcontinentalmerger.com, our dedicated joint merger website, for detailed information as well as ongoing updates.
On behalf of Jeff Smisek and the entire Continental team, thank you for being a loyal OnePass member. We look forward to welcoming you aboard your next flight.


Mark Bergsrud
Vice President


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Wie lange wird es wohl US noch geben? Gegen diese Größe können die doch nicht bestehen.

... ein Gedanke, wie ihn ein Düsseldorfer Börsenbrief heute aufgreift:

"Die erste große Fusion der Airlines steht: UNITED AIR mit CONTINENTAL. Das dürfte dann die Nummer 1 in der Welt werden. Wir beteiligen uns daran nicht mehr, weisen aber darauf hin: AMERICAN AIRLINES und US AIR werden jetzt zwingend Fusionspartner. Das gilt als ziemlich sicher. Das Ganze ist natürlich eine Wette, wobei aber gilt: Würde es zu dieser dritten Fusion kommen, gäbe es in den USA nur noch drei große Airlines und das ergibt eine sehr interessante Konsolidierung des Tarifniveaus. Erstmals ergäbe sich damit die Chance, dass die amerikanische Luftfahrtindustrie wieder einigermaßen sicher in den Erträgen einzuschätzen ist. Seit Jimmy Carters Open-Sky-Politik vor 35 Jahren hat es dies nie gegeben. Deshalb weisen wir auf diese Besonderheit hin."


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Klingt von der Diktion her nach dem alten Bernecker. Der redet auch viel, wenn der Tag lang ist.

Si, senor, der Alte... - er hat aber bei Fundamentals im Hintergrund oft genug ein feines Kombinationsnäschen bewiesen:idea:, und das über Dekaden (natürlich begleitet auch von einigen Totalausfällen...(n))


Erfahrenes Mitglied
auf den Aktienkurs der beiden hat sich dies heute jedoch nicht allzu gut ausgewirkt -11% jeweils.


Was meint Ihr:

Für welches C-Klassen Produkt wirds in Zukunft gegeben, das von UA oder CO? Beide sind ja gerade noch am Umrüsten... interessanter wirds für die Neubestellung des A350 oder der 787...

Ich geh mal davon aus dass es weiterhin in Zukunft auch noch 3 Klassen geben wird.


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Der Vollständigkeit halber, für die es nicht bekommen haben sich aber dennoch dafür interessieren - kam gerade per Mail:

Dear Mr hippo72,

On Monday, May 3, we announced that United Airlines and Continental Airlines will combine to create the world's leading airline, offering unmatched benefits and opportunities for business and leisure travelers and frequent flyers.

More Access to More Destinations
The new airline will be called United Airlines and will offer exceptional international gateways to Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East from anywhere in the United States. Among other things, Continental's fuel-efficient fleet, New York hub and extensive Latin American routes, will combine with United's excellent domestic hub structure, Pacific routes and leading global brand.

The airline will have ten hubs, including hubs in the four largest U.S. cities. The new airline will serve 144 million customers per year as it flies to 370 destinations in 59 countries. We will also continue to provide service to all of the communities that United or Continental currently serve, including more than 140 small metropolitan areas and communities.

Shared Commitment to Performance and Service
Our new airline will combine our shared commitment to customer service with industry-leading on-time performance. We will be positioned to invest in globally competitive products, upgrade technology, refurbish and replace older aircraft, and implement best-in-class practices of both airlines. Our combined airline will have the most modern, fuel-efficient fleet (adjusted for cabin mix) and 75 new technology planes on order.

Enhanced Redemption Options
After the merger closes, which is expected to occur near the end of the year, you will participate in the industry's leading loyalty program. Your miles in both programs continue to be valid and can be used according to existing program rules. After the merger closes, we plan to combine our loyalty programs and when that happens, your miles in both programs will be combined into one account. And you will continue to experience the benefits of Star Alliance, including service to more than 1,000 destinations, more connecting opportunities, additional scheduling flexibility and access to reciprocal frequent flyer and airport lounge benefits with Star Alliance's 24 other member airlines around the world.

Based on our ongoing codeshare and joint venture partnerships and collaboration in Star Alliance, we are confident that we can successfully and seamlessly integrate our companies. Until the merger closes, United and Continental will operate independently as competitors and remain focused on improving your flying experience.

As for now, enjoy all the benefits of Mileage Plus, which was named the "Best Frequent Flyer Program" by the readers of Global Traveler Magazine. Recently, we've made the program even better by introducing One Way Awards, our Miles and Money Awards program and Hotel and Car Rental redemption options.

What's Next
Although announced Monday, the merger is subject to the approval of United and Continental shareholders, as well as regulatory clearance and certain other closing conditions. We are committed to obtaining the necessary approvals and clearances in a timely manner and hope to close the merger by the end of the year.

This announcement does not affect any travel today or in the near future that you may be planning on United or Continental. You can continue to make reservations for your travel and redeem miles with your airline of choice, as well as continue to earn miles with your Mileage Plus credit card. You will not have to redeem your miles before the merger is closed.

This is an exciting development for all United and Continental customers, but especially for members of our loyalty programs. We will keep you updated on the status of the merger and Mileage Plus developments, and you can also see the latest information on www.UnitedContinentalmerger.com or on www.mileageplus.com.

We look forward to continuing to serve you on United Airlines.

Graham Atkinson
Mileage Plus

Thomas O'Toole
SVP and Chief Marketing Officer
United Airlines


Damit kann man sich die Bemalung also wieder schön saufen.

Wäre da nicht die Einschränkung "... a selection of complimentary...". Selection bedeutet bestimmt billigstes Gesöff.

Aber eigentlich ist es mir bumms, wie der Flieger angemalt ist, solange das Produkt IM Flieger stimmt.


53.27° N, 54.23° E
Ich mag das neue Design. Sieht viel Edler aus! Dumm fuer UA das die vor wenig Zeit erst die Flieger weiss angepinselt haben und jetzt schon wieder. Es gibt also 3 Regulaere Pinseleien im Moment : Die Graue, die Weisse und die neue COUA.
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Reaktionen: skywalkerLAX


Mileage Run Purist
Die erfreulichen Dinge für mich als CO Mitglied sind:

Zugang zu UA E+

Coming later this month, elite members will enjoy reciprocal access to complimentary elite upgrades and preferred economy seating on United and Continental flights. United elite members will have access to Continental's preferred seating, and Continental elite members will have access to United's Economy Plus® seating.

und die Sicherheit das meine CO Meilen noch ne Zeitlang ohne *Net Blocking nutzbar bleiben...

Both United® Mileage Plus® and Continental OnePass® miles and programs remain unchanged. You will continue to receive all current benefits, and you will earn miles, points and segments as usual.