Taiwan braucht ab 15.08. keinen PCR-Test vor Abflug mehr. Sonst bleibt alles beim bisherigen Stand…
Taiwan's Central Epidemic Command Center has announced that effective August 15 no traveler entering Taiwan will be required to take a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test before his flight.
As of August 15, the following visitor entry rules will apply:
Special entry permit: Before traveling to Taiwan, a foreign visitor -- including a business visitor -- must first obtain a special entry permit from a Taiwan government office abroad. Different offices apply slightly different rules, but in general an applicant must submit an invitation letter and an itinerary. Additional required documents may include the applicant's original work permit approval and vaccination record, depending on the office's policy.
Taiwan SIM card and PCR Test: Upon arrival in Taiwan, a traveler must purchase a Taiwan SIM card if he does not already have one installed in his cell phone, and must take a saliva-based PCR test.
Quarantine: Upon arrival, a traveler also must spend three days alone in a government-approved quarantine hotel or private residence. During this period the traveler must remain isolated 24 hours per day. He is not permitted to leave the hotel or residence for any reason. Family members arriving in Taiwan together may quarantine together, but may not stay with other people.
Self-disease prevention: Following completion of his stay in quarantine, a traveler must complete an additional 4-day self-disease prevention period. During this period, he may eat or drink in a restaurant alone or with colleagues or friends, but he must maintain social distance or eat behind a plastic barrier. Also, he must avoid crowds and mixing in groups of people, and should not visit a hospital except in an emergency. After completion of this period, a foreign visitor (like everyone else) must wear a mask when he leaves his hotel room or residence.
Additional detailed rules and exceptions apply in certain circumstances. For example, a foreign visitor must comply with additional restrictions if he tests positive for Covid, flight crew may qualify for an exemption from quarantine, and other rules apply to transit passengers.