Ich warte seit ca. 2 Monaten auf die Tier2-Verifizerung - „in Processing“...
geht um die Swipe-Karte die man laut FAQ erst bestellen kann, wenn man Tier 2 authentifiziert ist.Auf welche Verifizierung wartest du, die 2% der Binance-Karte? Passiert doch automatisch, wenn du im 30 Tagesschnitt mehr als 10 BNB hattest.
Die App ist bei einigen Dingen nur ein Zugang zur mobilen Webseite, aber ich finde immer noch besser als einige Apps der Konkurrenz.
You are receiving this email because our system has indicated that you have a Swipe Wallet account balance. Swipe Wallet will officially become a non-custodial Wallet product and therefore we are requesting you remove your funds from the current Wallet on or before March 28, 2021 at 00:00 UTC. Swipe Wallet at that point will migrate all of your funds to a Card Wallet if you are cardholder if any balance remains. If you are not a cardholder, you may loose access to your funds and it is recommended you withdraw funds as soon as possible. Rest assured all funds are safe and this email just serves as a reminder. Withdrawals out of the Swipe Wallet are free with no gas costs. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at help@swipe.io. Replys back to this email will not be received.
Thank you
Swipe Wallet
Level | *BNB Holding (Before adjustment) | *BNB Holding (After adjustment) | Cashback (%) |
1 | 0 BNB | 0 BNB | 0.1% |
2 | 10 BNB | 1 BNB | 2% |
3 | 50 BNB | 10 BNB | 3% |
4 | 200 BNB | 40 BNB | 4% |
5 | 500 BNB | 100 BNB | 5% |
6 | 2,000 | 250 BNB | 6% |
7 | 6,000 | 600 BNB | 8% |
Wahnsinn, wie Swipe ständig an den Produkten rumschraubt. Vor kurzem hatte ich in Telegram noch gelesen, dass man bald wieder neue Karten beantragen kann.You are receiving this email as we are preparing to migrate our wallet to a v2 non-custodial application and migrating to the Binance Card Platform. Therefore, your Swipe Card will be cancelled on 5/1/2021. Please withdraw all your funds to an external account. Withdrawals to Binance.com are free and near-instant. We highly recommend you order a Binance Card now on Binance.com so you can get a Virtual Card to use immediately while your physical Binance Card ships so you can become accommodated with no downtime or very little downtime. If you had any locked up SXP, the SXP is now unlocked. You will enjoy your benefits until 5/1/2021 when all benefits and programs will be cancelled.
Bei Solaris LT/ehem. Contis, die die altenPlutusBinance-Karten herausgegeben haben, sind Daten in die Öffentlichkeit geraten.
Gilt auchfür Kunden, die Plutus schon gekündigt habenobwohl die Karten schon gekündigt wurden. Betroffene Kunden werden per E-Mail informiert. Betroffen sind laut Solaris ‚unter anderem’ "title, forename, surname, dob, sex, phone number, email address, language."