We hope you have enjoyed using your sync. account this year. We wrote to you last month about the impact of Brexit, and we’re now sorry to say that the situation has not improved as we hoped.
Unfortunately, we are being forced to close all existing EU-based accounts due to Brexit. We greatly regret this and we hope to welcome you back to sync. very soon.
Your account will close on 31 December 2020. To avoid any inconvenience, please transfer any money out of your sync. accounts and into an external bank account as soon as possible. You can do this via a free bank transfer.
All of your funds must be removed from your sync. account by 30 December 2020. Any funds left in your sync. account after this date will be retrievable, but the process will take several weeks to complete. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you move your funds as soon as possible.
We are hugely sorry for the inconvenience and the situation that Brexit has put us in. We hope you understand and thank you for your continued support. If you have any further questions, please visit our dedicated
FAQ page here.