[vorbei] PRG-CUN C/F mit BA für 700€



Aktives Mitglied
Jetzt müssen wir eigentlich nur ein paar Beispiele zusammentragen, bei denen BA oder andere Airlines ähnliche Strecken/ähnlich lange Flüge in C bzw. F für ähnliche Preise angeboten haben. Dabei auch so Sachen bedenken wie die kostenlosen Upgrades in F, die einige Carrier immer mal angeboten haben, wenn man Strecken in C bzw. in Kombination C & F gebucht hat.
Schon ist BAs einziges Argument entkräftet.

Mexiko habe ich nicht im Blick, doch fällt mir da spontan BAs (Wieder)eröffnungsangebot nach Seoul ein für GBP 777 retour (2011, damals ca. 900 Euro). War aber in Business. Dafür war aber das Kerosin mehr als doppelt so teuer wie heute.


Erfahrenes Mitglied
das DOT sagte mir heute "ist nicht"
Dear Mr. xxx:

Thank you for contacting us regarding your recent complaint concerning the cancellation of your ticket by British Airways. We have reviewed your complaint, as well as the information submitted by the airline. We have determined that the incident resulted from the airline’s publication of a mistaken fare.
Mistaken fares are offers by an airline or other seller of air transportation to sell tickets for air transportation for a fare that is usually substantially lower than the intended ticket price for the class of service being sold. The Department of Transportation’s consumer protection rules include a provision prohibiting airlines and other sellers of air transportation from increasing the price of air transportation after a purchase has occurred. Accordingly, in some past mistaken fare incidents, airlines have been required to honor mistaken fare tickets in order to comply with the Department’s rule prohibiting post purchase price increases.
However, the issue of mistaken fares is currently the subject of ongoing rulemaking by the Department. In light of that rulemaking, on May 8, 2015, the Office of Aviation Enforcement and Proceedings (Enforcement Office) issued a notice stating that, as a matter of prosecutorial discretion, during the pendency of the rulemaking, the Enforcement Office would not enforce the prohibition on post purchase price increases as it relates to mistaken fares. This policy is temporary and will remain in effect only until the Department issues a final rule that specifically addresses mistaken fares.
In the notice, the Enforcement Office further stated that an airline would not be required to honor mistaken fare tickets so long as the airline (1) demonstrates that the fare was a mistaken fare; and (2) reimburses all consumers who purchased a mistaken fare ticket for any reasonable, actual, and verifiable out-of-pocket expenses that were made in reliance upon the ticket purchase, in addition to refunding the purchase price of the ticket.
More information regarding the Enforcement Office policy is available on our website at https://www.transportation.gov/sites/dot.gov/files/docs/Mistaken_Fare_Policy_Statement_05082015.pdf
We have determined that the incident you have complained about is covered by the current policy. Therefore, British Airways will not be required to honor your ticket. However, if you have any reasonable, actual and verifiable out-of-pocket expenses that are attributable to your purchase of the mistaken fare, please submit those to the airline for consideration

Aviation Consumer Protection Division

US Department of Transportation

Es gibt also noch Hoffnung, wenn das rulemaking beendet ist ("however, the issue of mistaken fares is currently the subject of ongoing rulemaking by the Department.")