For immediate release, 19 April 2010
Revised approach to air traffic affected by the volcanic ash cloud
Brussels, Belgium - EUROCONTROL hosted a telephone conference earlier today between the European Commission, several European States, Air Navigation Service Providers and technical experts.
The conference concluded that, while the initial reaction by the States was prudent and reduced risk to an absolute minimum, it was now time to move towards a harmonized European approach (set out below) that permitted flights - but only where safety was not compromised.
This conclusion was submitted to the meeting of European Transport Ministers this afternoon and was adopted.
Accordingly a limited “No-fly zone†will be established by the States concerned, based on forecasts from the VAAC. EUROCONTROL will provide the data and the forecast to States every 6 hours.
Aircraft Operators will be permitted to operate outside this zone. In their decision as to whether to fly, they will be supported by shared data including advice from the scientific community (meteo, volcanic ash proliferation etc.) - including safety assessments supported by tests under the oversight of the competent Safety Authorities.
Member States have been asked to formally confirm their agreement. Meanwhile EUROCONTROL will start the provisional application of this approach.
In addition the ICAO European and North Atlantic Office are organising a meeting to consider the effects on the North Atlantic Region.
These actions will be implemented as soon as possible and, in any case, by 06:00 UTC tomorrow morning.
The conference also concluded that, in time, it should be possible to move towards an approach in which full discretion is given to Aircraft Operators.