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DiPocket - Mehrwährungs-Wallet, virtuelle und physische Mastercards



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Yes, thank you, I could remove the plastic and add the virtual from the PLN account to google pay easily.

but DCC is common in Poland when using EUR cards, even contactless, why should it be unlikely when using Google Pay ?

I assume Google Pay presents the same currency as the card currency for the related DiPocket account?
When I switch in Google Pay to the Dipocket PLN card in Poland and to the EUR card in Germany then there is no way for DCC?

Yes, DCC is common for ATMs, less common for POS; but cardholders always have a choice of applying it or not. And yes, any card enrolled in Google Pay is tokenized with the same currency. The answer to your last question is a bit tricky: some EUR acquirers can "see" our EUR cards as Polish if they judge by our ICA. But again: cardholders always can select not to apply DCC so their cards get charged in a transaction currency.
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Um noch einmal darauf zurückzukommen: Wenn DiPocket nach dem Start von Google Pay in Deutschland eine dauerhafte Chance bei mir haben soll, dann ist dringend ein automatisches Top-Up notwendig. Aktuell lade ich immer manuell per Kredikarte auf, wenn das Guthaben zur Neige geht, aber das macht keinen Spaß. So lange noch kaum Banken bei Google Pay an Bord sind habt ihr einen echten Vorteil, den würde ich jetzt mit sinnvollen Funktionen ausbauen und die gerade erst gewonnenen Kunden binden.

Thank you. We realize that we're in the tight competition. Auto-topup is in our development plan, and we will do our best to fit it into July production though it's really difficult to reschedule other tasks. If I may ask - how exactly do you expect it to work? Should it be a configurable lower threshold and topup amount, e.g. EUR 100 and EUR 500; so when my balance gets less than EUR 100, the card should be automatically replenished by EUR 500 from a pre-selected 3rd-party card?


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Reaktionen: JFI und DiPocket


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Should it be a configurable lower threshold and topup amount, e.g. EUR 100 and EUR 500; so when my balance gets less than EUR 100, the card should be automatically replenished by EUR 500 from a pre-selected 3rd-party card?
That's how Revolut solved it, too. boon's solution is that you setup a minimum threshold. As soon as the balance gets below the threshold the pre-selected card gets charged and the defined threshold is being restored.
boon's solution has the advantage that boon works like a "proxy", pretty much like Curve.
Maybe you can offer both methods and give the user the choice? :)
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Reaktionen: monk und DiPocket


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Da habe ich im letzten Sommer ganz andere Erfahrungen gemacht. Sobald ich bzw. meine Karte als EUR-Ausländer erkannt wurde, wurde auch am DCC gemacht.

bei mir auch und auch am POS. Deshalb ist das DiPocket feature virtuelle Karten in unterschiedlichen Währungen eigentlich einmalig, das kenne ich von keinem Wettbewerber. In Verbindung mit Google Pay die perfekte Waffe gegen DCC: In jedem Land einfach die passende Karte in Google Pay aktivieren.


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That's how Revolut solved it, too. boon's solution is that you setup a minimum threshold. As soon as the balance gets below the threshold the pre-selected card gets charged and the defined threshold is being restored.
boon's solution has the advantage that boon works like a "proxy", pretty much like Curve.
Maybe you can offer both methods and give the user the choice? :)
Kleine Ergänzung: nur in der iOS App verfährt boon so. In der Android App heißt es leider nach Unterschreiten der Grenze: Aufladen UM xy €, nicht Aufladen AUF xy €... Daher bei Android leider kein Proxy möglich.


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Sorry that I won't be able to answer each post individually.

- DCC. Obviously you guys & ladies have by far more experience in cards' acceptance as you travel far and wide, and use many issuers. And we welcome all advises and suggestions. We're glad that you like our Google Pay tokenized cards, for which (it seems) acquirers cannot enforce DCC.

- Apple Pay. As you correctly concluded above in this thread, we won't be able to disclose the launch until it happens. And it takes time, unfortunately, as big banks go first.

- Auto top-up. As I said, we'll try to prioritize it. The boon's solution that gambrinus described is a bit strange though: it effectively implies that every card transaction should be followed by yet another top up, which is strange -unless I misunderstood the concept behind.


Erfahrenes Mitglied
- Auto top-up. As I said, we'll try to prioritize it. The boon's solution that gambrinus described is a bit strange though: it effectively implies that every card transaction should be followed by yet another top up, which is strange -unless I misunderstood the concept behind.
Yes, indeed every card transaction triggers a new top up. In the end it‘s a kind of „proxy“ concept like Curve. The defined threshold is at the same time the transaction limit as you can‘t spend more than you have in your account.

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The boon's solution that gambrinus described is a bit strange though: it effectively implies that every card transaction should be followed by yet another top up, which is strange -unless I misunderstood the concept behind.
As far as I understand, it‘s not as much usage intended by boon/Wirecard but rather a clever way of „exploiting“ their auto top-up logic (by setting „If balance falls below x“ value the same as „Top up to balance of x“).

Looks like they‘ve begun restricting this a bit as of lately though:


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And that's what I would prefer, as my banking app is not able to include DiPocket. So the boon's solution is a possibility to display every single purchase with DiPocket Card.
but only with a credit
i would go nuts seeing every 1,xx-purchase on my bank statement (debit) ;)
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Reaktionen: DiPocket


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As far as I understand, it‘s not as much usage intended by boon/Wirecard but rather a clever way of „exploiting“ their auto top-up logic (by setting „If balance falls below x“ value the same as „Top up to balance of x“).

Looks like they‘ve begun restricting this a bit as of lately though:

Looks you‘re absolutely right. When I try to change the setting I cannot enter the same value for both sliders any longer. So I better keep my settings as they are... :)


Aktives Mitglied
If I may ask - how exactly do you expect it to work? Should it be a configurable lower threshold and topup amount, e.g. EUR 100 and EUR 500; so when my balance gets less than EUR 100, the card should be automatically replenished by EUR 500 from a pre-selected 3rd-party card?

Well, I would be happy with a "standard" top-up mechanism as you described above (lower threshold and topup amount). For me it would be important to have separate top-up details for each account, enabling me to automatically replenish my sub-account with a different 3rd-party card than the main account (same way as I do manually today).

Actually, I think that one of your really import USPs is that you offer subaccounts that come with seperate card numbers ready to be used in Google Pay. Looking at Boon/Wirecard for example, I would need to open up two separate accounts for that, having to pay the monthly fee twice. Curve would actually be very close to what I need (simply a wallet for my existing cards), but they still lack Google Pay support.
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Thank you. We realize that we're in the tight competition. Auto-topup is in our development plan, and we will do our best to fit it into July production though it's really difficult to reschedule other tasks.

Just installed yesterdays app update and wonder how far away the automatic topup-mechanism is on your roadmap. In the update news, only an "extensive user interface evolution" is mentioned as "coming up next". Even though I would love to see UI improvements, I think that auto top-up (and CDCVM) are far more important to implement. Compared to other prepaid solutions, you seem to be the only one who does not have this feature.
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Just installed yesterdays app update and wonder how far away the automatic topup-mechanism is on your roadmap. In the update news, only an "extensive user interface evolution" is mentioned as "coming up next". Even though I would love to see UI improvements, I think that auto top-up (and CDCVM) are far more important to implement. Compared to other prepaid solutions, you seem to be the only one who does not have this feature.

wieviele "prepaid solutions" kennst du denn, die Google Pay anbieten und Auto Top Up haben?
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Joa... bei nukumichi hört’s sich halt so an, als gäbe es etliche und nur DiPocket hätte es nicht, daher etwas verwundert. Revolut könnte man noch nennen, sobald sie GPay denn anbieten... aber sonst? Mir fällt grad nix anderes ein.

Ich hoffe immer noch auf nen baldigen Apple Pay Start, wäre mir persönlich wichtiger XD


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Joa... bei nukumichi hört’s sich halt so an, als gäbe es etliche und nur DiPocket hätte es nicht, daher etwas verwundert. Revolut könnte man noch nennen, sobald sie GPay denn anbieten... aber sonst? Mir fällt grad nix anderes ein.

Gebe dir recht, so viele sind es nicht, wenn man es auf Prepaid UND Google Pay eingrenzt, immerhin kommen noch Revolut und vielleicht auch bald Curve dazu. Generell bieten aber glaube ich alle Mobile Payment Anbieter entweder Auto Top-up oder Direktausgleich per Referenzkonto an (Glase z.B.) Darum ging es mir vor allem, denn regelmäßig manuell ein Prepaid-Konto befüllen zu müssen ist für die Alltagstauglichkeit aus meiner Sicht nicht optimal.

Ich nutze Dipocket zur Zeit täglich und finde die Lösung super. Sollte meine Bank sich dazu entscheiden, Google Pay einzuführen, würde ich allerdings umsteigen - eben vor allem, weil ich mich dann nicht mehr um das Aufladen kümmern muss.
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Curve wird so schnell nicht passieren, laut deren eigenen Aussagen. Und Revolut..... „soon“ wir werden sehen wie soon wirklich soon ist