Geil, geil, geiler ...
"joeblonik787 Gold
February 17, 2024, 4:58 pm
What an idiot. He yells at the station manager, denigrates an airline online, and then is upset when they post some information that he has already posted himself online. Sure, it's probably not the best idea to put his passport number online, but it's not like an identity thief can do anything with that anyway. This is just more of his typical bullshit of posting wild and outrageous claims online in order to try to get clicks. I have zero sympathy for him, and I certainly hope that the five people that he insights to call the Singaporean authorities have zero effect on Aero Dili's ability to fly there.
What an entitled prick. The airlines of the world should do us all a favor and join together and refuse to let him fly. After all, every flight he takes is "awful, disgusting, shameful, illegal" or some other BS"