Masterthread Registration-Suche



Erfahrenes Mitglied
Wow. Congrats! I was unfortunately unlucky a few years back when I asked the Airport and Air New Zealand. However, those flights were further back too. So may be they have a database from 2007 onwards :)...


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Hello everyone! I have great news that someone who works for Air NZ was able to find the registrations of these 5 flights of mine:
Amazing, good news for you, @YaBroPingu
Would you mind re-trying your contact for the other 10-15 open NZ entries on the master list (page 1 of this thread), please?

Or would you (privately) share the details for I can try our best luck, instead.

Thanks for sharing the found ones, -5 👍
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Reaktionen: Batman


Erfahrenes Mitglied
2013-12-21 CZ0360 DEL CAN 2325 0630 YaBroPingu lt. FA gecancelt

2014-01-07 CZ0359 CAN DEL 1845 2215 YaBroPingu lt. FA gecancelt
@YaBroPingu what about these? Sascha found them canceled, I will remove them from the search list, or you have more details on this (presumed) cancelations?

Amazing, good news for you, @YaBroPingu
Would you mind re-trying your contact for the other 10-15 open NZ entries on the master list (page 1 of this thread), please?

Or would you (privately) share the details for I can try our best luck, instead.
@YaBroPingu I kindly ask you again:

Would you please try your NZ contact to search and solve the remaining open NZ flights on the list:

2000-11-14 NZ0515 AKL CHC 0945 1105 B733 Mark23
2000-12-02 NZ0054 AKL RAR 1815 2305 B763 Mark23 (Ankunft 1.12.)
2003-04-06 NZ0535 AKL CHC 1400 1520 733 docceejay
2007-03-18 NZ0476 WLG AKL 1930 2030 733 carl
2010-11-06 NZ2368 ROT AKL 1513 1546 BEH Adam Smith (op by EAG)
2010-11-06 NZ2674 AKL KKE 1730 1805 BEH Adam Smith (op by EAG)
2010-11-08 NZ8440 WLG NPE 1130 1221 DH3 Adam Smith (op by RLK)
2010-11-08 NZ8673 KKE AKL 1723 1803 DH3 Adam Smith (op by RLK)
2012-07-12 NZ8843 NPL WLG 1440 1530 Q300 YaBroPingu
2012-07-14 NZ8144 WLG NPL 1120 1210 Q300 YaBroPingu
2014-02-07 NZ5291 AKL NPL ---- ---- AT72 YaBroPingu
2014-02-25 NZ5234 NPL AKL ---- ---- AT72 YaBroPingu
2014-04-28 NZ5293 AKL NPL ---- ---- AT72 YaBroPingu
2014-05-05 NZ5232 NPL AKL ---- ---- AT72 YaBroPingu
2016-03-27 NZ8798 WLG NPL ---- ---- Q300 YaBroPingu (see #5155, #5160)

-> in this context: you wrote in one of the above post that only 2 flights are left, while I have at least 7 stray open from YaBroPingu 🤔


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Suchliste #2 first - 1995
Stand 02. Juni 2024, 302 Einträge, +0 Vergleich zu Vormonat
Suchliste #3 1996 - 2006
Stand 02. Juni 2024, 630 Einträge, +1 Vergleich zu Vormonat
Suchliste #4 2007 - latest
Stand 02. Juni 2024, 440 Einträge, -11 Vergleich zu Vormonat
Gelöste Registrationssuchen #5
Stand 02. Juni 2024, 3467 Einträge, +34 Vergleich zum Vormonat
Quellen #6 Tipps und Tricks


Neues Mitglied
Hallo zusammen,

vielleicht könnt ihr mir weiterhelfen. Ich suche Flugdaten (speziell Regs) von meinen ersten Flügen aus Kindheitstagen. Ein paar Luftfahrt-Enthusiasten haben mir den Vielflieger Treff empfohlen. :)

1992-07-23 YP 432 TXL-RHO 06:00-10:20 MD83 flymichi1990
1992-08-13 YP 433 RHO-TXL 11:10-14:05 MD83 flymichi1990
1993-07-26 DE 2948 SXF-HER 12:00-16:10 B752 flymichi1990
1993-08-16 DE 2949 HER-SXF 17:05-19:25 B752 flymichi1990
1994-08-15 LT 1440 SXF-RHO 06:05-10:20 B752 flymichi1990
1994-09-05 LT 1441 RHO-KGS B752 flymichi1990
1994-09-05 LT 1441 KGS-SXF B752 flymichi1990
1995-06-09 YP 586 TXL-DJE 13:50-16:00 MD87 flymichi1990
1995-06-30 YP 587 DJE-TXL 08:50-13:05 MD87 flymichi1990
1996-09-19 LT 1656 SXF-MIR B752 flymichi1990
1996-10-08 LT 1657 MIR-SXF B752 flymichi1990

Die Flugzeiten sind teils von alten Tickets entziffert bzw. von Buchungsbestätigungen. Ob dies letztendlich die tatsächlichen Zeiten waren, weiß ich leider nicht, nachdem ich da noch ein kleiner Knirps war. Sofern weitere Daten neben der Reg. noch abrufbar sind, bin ich um jedes Detail dankbar (Flugzeiten, RWY etc.)

An der Stelle sage ich schon mal herzlichen Dank und beste Grüße!



Erfahrenes Mitglied
1992-07-23 YP 432 TXL-RHO 06:00-10:20 MD83 flymichi1990
1992-08-13 YP 433 RHO-TXL 11:10-14:05 MD83 flymichi1990
1993-07-26 DE 2948 SXF-HER 12:00-16:10 B752 flymichi1990
1993-08-16 DE 2949 HER-SXF 17:05-19:25 B752 flymichi1990
1994-08-15 LT 1440 SXF-RHO 06:05-10:20 B752 flymichi1990
1994-09-05 LT 1441 RHO-KGS B752 flymichi1990
1994-09-05 LT 1441 KGS-SXF B752 flymichi1990
1995-06-09 YP 586 TXL-DJE 13:50-16:00 MD87 flymichi1990
1995-06-30 YP 587 DJE-TXL 08:50-13:05 MD87 flymichi1990
1996-09-19 LT 1656 SXF-MIR B752 flymichi1990
1996-10-08 LT 1657 MIR-SXF B752 flymichi1990
Hey @flymichi1990 ,
sieht so aus als ob Du Deine Flüge großteils gelöst hast? listet

found 1993-08-16 DE2949 HER SXF 1705 1925 flymichi1990 D-ABNO

der selbe (Flugstatistik-)User ist 2 Tage vor Dir (17.9.96) auch SXF MIR geflogen (da wäre es die D-AMUQ) das schaut mir schon fast nach bisserl zuviel Zufall aus?
🤔 Bist das Du selber, und hast die Regs gefunden und die Daten geändert?

und dann ist "der User" wieder zurück, selber Flug

found 1996-10-08 LT1657 MIR SXF ---- ---- B752 flymichi1990 D-AMUZ

ebenfalls aus Flugstatistik:
found 1992-07-23 YP0432 TXL RHO 0600 1020 flymichi1990 D-ALLQ (AEF0432, AEF 432)
found 1994-09-05 LT1441 KGS SXF ---- ---- flymichi1990 D-AMUL
found 1994-09-05 LT1441 RHO KGS ---- ---- flymichi1990 D-AMUL
found 1995-06-09 YP0586 TXL DJE 1350 1600 MD87 flymichi1990 (AEF 586, AEF0586) D-ALLH

@flymichi1990 wärst Du so nett und
1. bestätigst kurz bitte dass Du das bist.. und die Flüge großteils gelöst sind
2. sagst uns kurz welche Quelle Du genutzt hast, die Flüge zu lösen?

soviele Treffer aus 199x ist schon beindruckend!


Erfahrenes Mitglied
monatlicher Update
Suchliste #2 first - 1995
Stand 30. Juni 2024, 306 Einträge, +4 Vergleich zu Vormonat
Suchliste #3 1996 - 2006
Stand 30. Juni 2024, 631 Einträge, +1 Vergleich zu Vormonat
Suchliste #4 2007 - latest
Stand 30. Juni 2024, 440 Einträge, +-0 Vergleich zu Vormonat
Gelöste Registrationssuchen #5
All list entries are current up to Post #6508
Stand 30. Juni 2024, 3474 Einträge, +7 Vergleich zum Vormonat
Quellen #6 Tipps und Tricks
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Reaktionen: SaschaX99


Neues Mitglied
Hey @flymichi1990 ,
sieht so aus als ob Du Deine Flüge großteils gelöst hast? listet

found 1993-08-16 DE2949 HER SXF 1705 1925 flymichi1990 D-ABNO

der selbe (Flugstatistik-)User ist 2 Tage vor Dir (17.9.96) auch SXF MIR geflogen (da wäre es die D-AMUQ) das schaut mir schon fast nach bisserl zuviel Zufall aus?
🤔 Bist das Du selber, und hast die Regs gefunden und die Daten geändert?

und dann ist "der User" wieder zurück, selber Flug

found 1996-10-08 LT1657 MIR SXF ---- ---- B752 flymichi1990 D-AMUZ

ebenfalls aus Flugstatistik:
found 1992-07-23 YP0432 TXL RHO 0600 1020 flymichi1990 D-ALLQ (AEF0432, AEF 432)
found 1994-09-05 LT1441 KGS SXF ---- ---- flymichi1990 D-AMUL
found 1994-09-05 LT1441 RHO KGS ---- ---- flymichi1990 D-AMUL
found 1995-06-09 YP0586 TXL DJE 1350 1600 MD87 flymichi1990 (AEF 586, AEF0586) D-ALLH

@flymichi1990 wärst Du so nett und
1. bestätigst kurz bitte dass Du das bist.. und die Flüge großteils gelöst sind
2. sagst uns kurz welche Quelle Du genutzt hast, die Flüge zu lösen?

soviele Treffer aus 199x ist schon beindruckend!

danke der Nachfrage. Ja, das bin tatsächlich ich. Diese Reg.angaben sind nicht verifiziert. Ich habe von meinen Eltern alte Videoaufzeichnungen in schlechter Qualität, wo Buchstaben interpretierbar waren. Das heißt, alles was dort aufgeführt ist, sind rein Vermutungen aufgrund der Videos. Nachdem das mehr „Glaube“ als „Wissen“ ist, habe ich meine Anfrage hier platziert. Es kann durchaus sein, dass die Vermutungen aus den Videos korrekt sind, aber wissen tue ich das nicht. Daher ist meine Anfrage so wie ich sie hier geschrieben habe grundsätzlich richtig.

VG, Michi
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Reaktionen: bursche99


Erfahrenes Mitglied
...alte Videoaufzeichnungen in schlechter Qualität, wo Buchstaben interpretierbar waren. ....Nachdem das mehr „Glaube“ als „Wissen“ ist, habe ich meine Anfrage hier platziert. Es kann durchaus sein, dass die Vermutungen aus den Videos korrekt sind, aber wissen tue ich das nicht. ...
Danke für Deine Antwort, ich sag Dir aber ehrlich:
ne bessere Quelle & Bestätigung wirst Du kaum finden als die Videos.
1990er ist sehr schwer. Du kannst ja gerne mal Bilder hier posten... manchmal kann man über das Ausschlussverfahren bestimmte Typen / Vögel ein- oder ausschließen.
Ich würde die (deine) Treffer als gelöst betrachten, bis es neue Hinweise gibt.


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Is there any downloadable data resource for flights 2018-2024 just like there is libhomeradar for flights 2012-2017?
there is.... but probably not what you're looking for.

Skystef -> BRU acars up to 2015... gap ... 2021-2024
LHR LGW has all the years of London airports for download (2018-2024 and all the years before. ends 2017

I greped files from various sources over the years... there isn't "THE single source"... that's why we're here, many of us have little bits and pieces and tricks...


Reguläres Mitglied
there is.... but probably not what you're looking for.

Skystef -> BRU acars up to 2015... gap ... 2021-2024
LHR LGW has all the years of London airports for download (2018-2024 and all the years before. ends 2017

I greped files from various sources over the years... there isn't "THE single source"... that's why we're here, many of us have little bits and pieces and tricks...
After a bit of search I found a downloadable dataset of historical flights collected from OpenSky network from 2019 to december 2021.

I hope it helps
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Reaktionen: Batman


Neues Mitglied
Guten Tag!
Can anyone help me with the reg numbers for the following flights?

2010-08-21 W60578 BOJ-WRO lolekbots
2010-08-14 W60577 WRO-BOJ lolekbots
2010-05-31 FR8844 BGY-WRO lolekbots
2010-05-28 FR8845 WRO-BGY lolekbots
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
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Reaktionen: hannah90


Neues Mitglied
did you see these (from acars reports)
N21154 (E145 BTA) 1742 20090320 XE2250 (CLE-PVD-EWR) [Toronto, Canada]
N13949 (E145 BTA) 2134 20090320 XE3075 (EWR-PVD-CLE) [Toronto, Canada]

Aircraft and timings would somewhat fit...
I did not see these! Are those reports in UTC?
I do have a FlightAware link for this (, so I'm skeptical that the flight was with XE, but you never know.

Adam Smith

Reguläres Mitglied
Hello yet again, wonderful (mostly?) German friends!

I have once again been sucked in to helping another friend try to figure out their old flights, so I'm back with another batch of requests. Over 750 resolved so far by myself. Although since this friend has taken several thousand flights (at one point, he did 611 in a 6-month period), this may be the first of several requests :)

For all of these, you can assume that I have checked (a) FlightAware, (b) FlightStats, (c), and (d) DFLD airport Tagesstatistik, as applicable, and not found the registration. Where I've noted an inbound or return, I've also checked that flight and come up empty. @SaschaX99, I've not yet gone through those logs you sent me way back - I always find it to be very time-consuming to even find the relevant file(s) given the weird ordering of the files - is 2005-08-07 in file 10941, or 8345, or 17289 and so on. I always find myself spending a bunch of time opening random files just to find the right date.

As always, any assistance is appreciated :)

2002-11-15 AC7460 YYZ MDT ---- ---- BEH Adam Smith (op by ZX)
2003-01-02 AC7387 YYZ MDT ---- ---- BEH Adam Smith (op by ZX)
2003-08-08 AC0697 YYZ SEA ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
2003-11-30 AC0148 YVR YYZ 1155 ---- --- Adam Smith
2003-12-01 AC7390 YYZ MDT ---- ---- BEH Adam Smith (op by ZX)
2003-12-23 AC7388 YYZ MDT ---- ---- BEH Adam Smith (op by ZX)
2004-01-26 AC7388 YYZ MDT ---- ---- BEH Adam Smith (op by ZX)
2004-02-17 AC7388 YYZ MDT ---- ---- BEH Adam Smith (op by ZX)
2005-09-23 AC0503 YYZ ORD ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
2005-09-30 AC0137 YYZ YVR ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
2005-12-26 AC0141 YYZ YYC ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
2008-09-26 WS0810 YVR YYZ 1010 1731 738 Adam Smith
2009-09-29 WS0644 YVR YYZ 0700 1426 738 Adam Smith
2010-01-31 AC0234 YVR YEG 0829 1054 319 Adam Smith
2010-01-31 AC0126 YEG YYZ 1223 1758 319 Adam Smith
2011-10-02 AC7972 MSY YYZ 1225 1617 CR9 Adam Smith (op by QK) (AC/QK7971 was the inbound)
2011-11-04 AC8036 YYZ PIT 1605 1713 DH1 Adam Smith (op by QK) (AC/QK8039 was the return)
2011-11-17 AC0253 YEG YVR 1903 2004 E90 Adam Smith (AC244 was the inbound)
2012-02-20 LH0111 MUC FRA 1204 1302 321 Adam Smith
2012-03-08 LH1398 FRA PRG 1541 1641 320 Adam Smith
2012-03-11 LH1697 PRG MUC 0702 0747 AR8 Adam Smith (op by CL)
2012-04-13 LH1692 MUC PRG 1533 1625 E95 Adam Smith (op by CL)
2012-04-15 LH1689 PRG MUC 0920 1019 AR8 Adam Smith (op by CL)
2012-05-18 AC7942 MSP YYZ 1049 1345 CRJ Adam Smith (op by QK) (AC/QK7941 was the inbound)
2012-06-19 AC1132 YVR YYZ 0726 1450 Adam Smith
2012-12-07 LH1396 FRA PRG 1406 1525 319 Adam Smith
2012-12-10 LH1689 PRG MUC 0936 1025 E95 Adam Smith (op by CL)
2013-03-29 LH1134 FRA BCN 1858 2056 321 Adam Smith
2013-03-31 LH1125 BCN FRA 1044 1251 321 Adam Smith
2013-04-12 LH1692 MUC PRG 1510 1557 E95 Adam Smith (op by CL)
2013-04-14 LH1393 PRG FRA 1008 1112 320 Adam Smith
2013-04-26 LH1368 FRA KRK 1641 1813 319 Adam Smith
2013-04-28 LH1365 KRK FRA 1024 1221 319 Adam Smith
2013-07-01 LO0266 AMS WAW 1034 1227 E75 Adam Smith
2013-07-12 LO0457 WAW ARN 1626 1806 E75 Adam Smith
2013-07-15 LO0454 ARN WAW 1022 1159 E75 Adam Smith
2013-12-28 LH2418 MUC ARN 1519 1714 320 Adam Smith
2014-04-20 LH1129 BCN FRA 1617 1822 321 Adam Smith
2014-05-15 LO0775 WAW VNO 1622 1822 E75 Adam Smith
2014-05-18 LO0772 VNO WAW 1523 1526 E75 Adam Smith
2014-10-29 LH1340 FRA BUD 1704 1827 320 Adam Smith
2014-12-04 LH0188 FRA TXL 1450 1552 321 Adam Smith
2014-12-07 LH0177 TXL FRA 0843 0943 321 Adam Smith
2014-12-11 LH1402 FRA PRG 2139 2234 320 Adam Smith
2014-12-14 LH1689 PRG MUC 0941 1030 E95 Adam Smith (op by CL)
2015-02-06 AC8067 YVR YYJ 1300 1321 DH3 Adam Smith (op by QK)
2015-07-02 LH2036 MUC TXL 1100 1211 321 Adam Smith
2015-09-24 OU0461 ZRH ZAG 1148 1321 DH4 Adam Smith
2015-12-27 LO0457 WAW ARN 1640 1822 E75 Adam Smith
2016-01-12 AC0481 YUL YYZ 0553 0756 Adam Smith
2017-04-03 AC0402 YYZ YUL 0800 0925 Adam Smith


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Hello yet again, wonderful (mostly?) German friends!

I have once again been sucked in to helping another friend try to figure out their old flights, so I'm back with another batch of requests. Over 750 resolved so far by myself. Although since this friend has taken several thousand flights (at one point, he did 611 in a 6-month period), this may be the first of several requests :)

For all of these, you can assume that I have checked (a) FlightAware, (b) FlightStats, (c), and (d) DFLD airport Tagesstatistik, as applicable, and not found the registration. Where I've noted an inbound or return, I've also checked that flight and come up empty. @SaschaX99, I've not yet gone through those logs you sent me way back - I always find it to be very time-consuming to even find the relevant file(s) given the weird ordering of the files - is 2005-08-07 in file 10941, or 8345, or 17289 and so on. I always find myself spending a bunch of time opening random files just to find the right date.

As always, any assistance is appreciated :)

2002-11-15 AC7460 YYZ MDT ---- ---- BEH Adam Smith (op by ZX)
2003-01-02 AC7387 YYZ MDT ---- ---- BEH Adam Smith (op by ZX)
2003-08-08 AC0697 YYZ SEA ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
2003-11-30 AC0148 YVR YYZ 1155 ---- --- Adam Smith
2003-12-01 AC7390 YYZ MDT ---- ---- BEH Adam Smith (op by ZX)
2003-12-23 AC7388 YYZ MDT ---- ---- BEH Adam Smith (op by ZX)
2004-01-26 AC7388 YYZ MDT ---- ---- BEH Adam Smith (op by ZX)
2004-02-17 AC7388 YYZ MDT ---- ---- BEH Adam Smith (op by ZX)
2005-09-23 AC0503 YYZ ORD ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
2005-09-30 AC0137 YYZ YVR ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
2005-12-26 AC0141 YYZ YYC ---- ---- --- Adam Smith
2008-09-26 WS0810 YVR YYZ 1010 1731 738 Adam Smith
2009-09-29 WS0644 YVR YYZ 0700 1426 738 Adam Smith
2010-01-31 AC0234 YVR YEG 0829 1054 319 Adam Smith
2010-01-31 AC0126 YEG YYZ 1223 1758 319 Adam Smith
2011-10-02 AC7972 MSY YYZ 1225 1617 CR9 Adam Smith (op by QK) (AC/QK7971 was the inbound)
2011-11-04 AC8036 YYZ PIT 1605 1713 DH1 Adam Smith (op by QK) (AC/QK8039 was the return)
2011-11-17 AC0253 YEG YVR 1903 2004 E90 Adam Smith (AC244 was the inbound)
2012-02-20 LH0111 MUC FRA 1204 1302 321 Adam Smith
2012-03-08 LH1398 FRA PRG 1541 1641 320 Adam Smith
2012-03-11 LH1697 PRG MUC 0702 0747 AR8 Adam Smith (op by CL)
2012-04-13 LH1692 MUC PRG 1533 1625 E95 Adam Smith (op by CL)
2012-04-15 LH1689 PRG MUC 0920 1019 AR8 Adam Smith (op by CL)
2012-05-18 AC7942 MSP YYZ 1049 1345 CRJ Adam Smith (op by QK) (AC/QK7941 was the inbound)
2012-06-19 AC1132 YVR YYZ 0726 1450 Adam Smith
2012-12-07 LH1396 FRA PRG 1406 1525 319 Adam Smith
2012-12-10 LH1689 PRG MUC 0936 1025 E95 Adam Smith (op by CL)
2013-03-29 LH1134 FRA BCN 1858 2056 321 Adam Smith
2013-03-31 LH1125 BCN FRA 1044 1251 321 Adam Smith
2013-04-12 LH1692 MUC PRG 1510 1557 E95 Adam Smith (op by CL)
2013-04-14 LH1393 PRG FRA 1008 1112 320 Adam Smith
2013-04-26 LH1368 FRA KRK 1641 1813 319 Adam Smith
2013-04-28 LH1365 KRK FRA 1024 1221 319 Adam Smith
2013-07-01 LO0266 AMS WAW 1034 1227 E75 Adam Smith
2013-07-12 LO0457 WAW ARN 1626 1806 E75 Adam Smith
2013-07-15 LO0454 ARN WAW 1022 1159 E75 Adam Smith
2013-12-28 LH2418 MUC ARN 1519 1714 320 Adam Smith
2014-04-20 LH1129 BCN FRA 1617 1822 321 Adam Smith
2014-05-15 LO0775 WAW VNO 1622 1822 E75 Adam Smith
2014-05-18 LO0772 VNO WAW 1523 1526 E75 Adam Smith
2014-10-29 LH1340 FRA BUD 1704 1827 320 Adam Smith
2014-12-04 LH0188 FRA TXL 1450 1552 321 Adam Smith
2014-12-07 LH0177 TXL FRA 0843 0943 321 Adam Smith
2014-12-11 LH1402 FRA PRG 2139 2234 320 Adam Smith
2014-12-14 LH1689 PRG MUC 0941 1030 E95 Adam Smith (op by CL)
2015-02-06 AC8067 YVR YYJ 1300 1321 DH3 Adam Smith (op by QK)
2015-07-02 LH2036 MUC TXL 1100 1211 321 Adam Smith
2015-09-24 OU0461 ZRH ZAG 1148 1321 DH4 Adam Smith
2015-12-27 LO0457 WAW ARN 1640 1822 E75 Adam Smith
2016-01-12 AC0481 YUL YYZ 0553 0756 Adam Smith
2017-04-03 AC0402 YYZ YUL 0800 0925 Adam Smith

found 2013-04-26 LH1368 FRA KRK 1641 1813 319 Adam Smith DLH7TX D-AIPU
2013/04/26 14:33;DLH7TX;DLH7TX;-;D-AIPU;3C6615;Lufthansa;A320

found 2013-04-28 LH1365 KRK FRA 1024 1221 319 Adam Smith DLH9WT D-AILU
2013/04/28 08:27;DLH9WT;DLH9WT;-;D-AILU;3C6595;Lufthansa;A319

found 2013-07-01 LO0266 AMS WAW 1034 1227 E75 Adam Smith SP-LIE
Embraer 175 LOT Polish Airlines SP-LIE C7 LO 0265 Warsaw 09:50 09:51 Geland LO 0266 Warsaw 10:35 10:34 Vertrokken

found 2013-07-12 LO0457 WAW ARN 1626 1806 E75 Adam Smith SP-LIB
LOT457 seen @ 2013-07-12 14:46 UTC on route from WAW to ARN

found 2013-12-28 LH2418 MUC ARN 1519 1714 320 Adam Smith D-AIPA
2013/12/28 14:30;DLH1AH;DLH1AH;-;D-AIPA;3C6601;Lufthansa;A320

found 2014-04-20 LH1129 BCN FRA 1617 1822 321 Adam Smith DLH07Y D-AIDQ
2014/04/20 14:37;DLH07Y;LH1129;BCN-FRA;D-AIDQ;3C6491;Lufthansa;A321

found 2014-05-15 LO0775 WAW VNO 1622 1822 E75 Adam Smith SP-LDH
2014-05-15 Warsaw (WAW) Vilnius (VNO) E170 (SP-LDH) 14:20 14:34 15:25 Landed 15:21

found 2014-05-18 LO0772 VNO WAW 1523 1526 E75 Adam Smith SP-LDI
2014-05-18 Vilnius (VNO) Warsaw (WAW) E170 (SP-LDI) 12:35 12:34 13:40 Landed 13:28

2014-10-29 LH1340 FRA BUD 1704 1827 320 Adam Smith
2014/10/29 16:22;DLH1TW;DLH1TW;-;D-AIZT;3C6754;Lufthansa;A320 LH1340
2014/10/29 18:46;DLH9XA;DLH9XA;-;D-AIZT;3C6754;Lufthansa;A320 LH1341

found 2014-12-04 LH0188 FRA TXL 1450 1552 321 Adam Smith D-AIDE
2014/12/04 14:10;DLH1JV;DLH1JV;-;D-AIDE;3C6485;Lufthansa;A321

found 2014-12-07 LH0177 TXL FRA 0843 0943 321 Adam Smith D-AIRU
2014/12/07 08:10;DLH4KV;DLH4KV;-;D-AIRU;3C6655;Lufthansa;A321

found 2014-12-11 LH1402 FRA PRG 2139 2234 320 Adam Smith D-AIZD
2014/12/11 20:56;DLH7VJ;DLH7VJ;-;D-AIZD;3C6744;Lufthansa;A320 DLH7VJ left FRA at 21:46 according to DLFD
2014/12/12 06:35;DLH7P;DLH7P;-;D-AIZD;3C6744;Lufthansa;A320 DLH7P is PRG-FRA according to DLFD

found 2014-12-14 LH1689 PRG MUC 0941 1030 E95 Adam Smith (op by CL) D-AEMB
2014/12/14 08:56;DLH7JW;LH1689;PRG-MUC;D-AEMB;3C55A2;Lufthansa;E190

found 2015-07-02 LH2036 MUC TXL 1100 1211 321 Adam Smith DLH7T D-AIDT
2015/07/02 09:13;DLH7T;LH2036;MUC-TXL;D-AIDT;3C6494;Lufthansa;A321

found 2015-09-24 OU0461 ZRH ZAG 1148 1321 DH4 Adam Smith 9A-CQB
2015/09/24 10:32;CTN461;CTN461;-;9A-CQB;501DA9;Croatia Airlines;DH8D

found 2017-04-03 AC0402 YYZ YUL 0800 0925 Adam Smith C-FLKX
2017/04/03 12:44;ACA402;AC0402;YYZ-YUL;C-FLKX;C01E28;Air Canada;A321

found 2012-02-20 LH0111 MUC FRA 1204 1302 321 Adam Smith D-AIDH
2012/02/20 11:16;DLH111;DLH111;MUC-FRA;D-AIDH;3C6488;Lufthansa;A321

found 2012-03-08 LH1398 FRA PRG 1541 1641 320 Adam Smith D-AIZJ
2012/03/08 14:52;DLH4HR;LH1398;FRA-PRG;D-AIZJ;3C674A;Lufthansa;A320

found 2012-03-11 LH1697 PRG MUC 0702 0747 AR8 Adam Smith (op by CL) D-AVRJ
2012/03/11 06:11;DLH9YE;LH1697;PRG-MUC;D-AVRJ 1;3C119C;Lufthansa;RJ85

found 2012-04-13 LH1692 MUC PRG 1533 1625 E95 Adam Smith (op by CL) D-AEBD
2012/04/13 13:49;DLH5AW;LH1692;MUC-PRG;D-AEBD 1;3C5444;Lufthansa;E190

found 2012-04-15 LH1689 PRG MUC 0920 1019 AR8 Adam Smith (op by CL) D-AVRJ
2012/04/15 07:35;DLH6NV;LH1689;PRG-MUC;D-AVRJ 1;3C119C;Lufthansa;RJ85

found 2012-06-19 AC1132 YVR YYZ 0726 1450 Adam Smith C-FCAF
2012/06/19 14:42;ACA1132;AC1132;YVR-YYZ;C-FCAF;C0054E;Air Canada;B763

found 2012-12-07 LH1396 FRA PRG 1406 1525 319 Adam Smith DLH5RP -AIQB
2012/12/07 13:37;DLH5RP;LH1396;FRA-PRG;D-AIQB;3C6622;Lufthansa;A320

found 2012-12-10 LH1689 PRG MUC 0936 1025 E95 Adam Smith (op by CL) D-AEBE
2012/12/10 08:48;DLH2KW;LH1689;PRG-MUC;D-AEBE 1;3C5445;Lufthansa;E190

found 2013-03-29 LH1134 FRA BCN 1858 2056 321 Adam Smith DLH55T D-AIRP
2013/03/29 18:12;DLH55T;LH1134;FRA-BCN;D-AIRP;3C6650;Lufthansa;A321

found 2013-03-31 LH1125 BCN FRA 1044 1251 321 Adam Smith DLH72K
2013/03/31 08:47;DLH72K;DLH72K;-;D-AISH;3C6668;Lufthansa;A321 D-AISH

found 2013-04-12 LH1692 MUC PRG 1510 1557 E95 Adam Smith (op by CL) DLH7ET
2013/04/12 13:12;DLH7ET;DLH7ET;-;D-AEBQ 1;3C5451;Lufthansa;E190 D-AEBQ

found 2013-04-14 LH1393 PRG FRA 1008 1112 320 Adam Smith DLH1P D-AIZM
2013/04/14 08:18;DLH1P;DLH1P;-;D-AIZM;3C674D;Lufthansa;A320

found 2009-09-29 WS0644 YVR YYZ 0700 1426 738 Adam Smith C-GWWJ
unknown WestJet WS0644 (YVR-YYZ) 0717 20090929

found 2010-01-31 AC0234 YVR YEG 0829 1054 319 Adam Smith C-FZUH
A319 0711 Air Canada AC0234  (YVR-YEG) 0850 20100131

not 100% sure

2005-12-26 AC0141 YYZ YYC 2245 0105 320 Adam Smith not sure if log is in UTC or local / times added
ACARS Log Location: Toronto, Canada
C-FKOJ (A320 ) 0011 20051226 AC0141 (CYYZ-CYYC)
C-FMJK (A320 ) 2325 20051226 AC0141 (CYYZ-CYYC)

2013-07-15 LO0454 ARN WAW 1022 1159 E75 Adam Smith
SP-LIE LOT4TP seen @ 2013-07-15 08:43 UTC on route from ARN to WAW
not 100% sure but time fits

Times addes/additional info

2015-12-27 LO0457 WAW ARN 1640 1822 E75 Adam Smith
only the callsign / the excerpt below is only to prove the callsign :)
48AD0C LOT4AR EPWA-ESSA SP-LIM E170 LOT Polish Airlines 2015/12/21 16:48:24
48AD0C LOT4RB SP-LIM E170 LOT Polish Airlines 2015/12/21 18:34:18

2004-01-26 AC7388 YYZ MDT 0900 1025 BEH Adam Smith (op by ZX)

2004-02-17 AC7388 YYZ MDT 0900 1025 BEH Adam Smith (op by ZX)

2005-09-30 AC0137 YYZ YVR 1800 1957 --- Adam Smith

BTW: I also hate browsing through the old Yahoo files. The Nobel Prize for whoever converts them into a directly readable and searchable format. (y)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Adam Smith

Reguläres Mitglied
@SaschaX99, thank you, this is awesome! :D

For this one, the answer would be C-FMJK. For decades, AC141 was the last YYZ-YYC flight of the day (circa 23:00 departure), so the block times you pulled make sense in local time. The ACARS hit from 2325 in Toronto fits perfectly in local time. The other one would be the previous day's departure, likely somewhat delayed (as was often the case).
2005-12-26 AC0141 YYZ YYC 2245 0105 320 Adam Smith
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Erfahrenes Mitglied
2011-11-17 AC0253 YEG YVR 1903 2004 E90 Adam Smith (AC244 was the inbound)
C-FHNX (E190 AC) 0441 20111117 AC0253 (YEG-YVR) [[-08:00] Ladysmith Vancouver Island [1.70RC3]]
would be previous day departure, would it? :unsure:
I assume 0441 is UTC...

lots of logs for these days, number range and destination, so if we find the common flight pattern... (I can vaguely see a sequence of 244, 253, 248, 237 for these days)