Uni Aarhus DK Europabild aktuell
Die Universität von Aarhaus DK gibt eine laufende Aktualisierung zur Entwicklung der Aschenwolke heraus.
Liest sich wie folgt: 'The plume with polluted air from the volcano underneath the Icelandic glacier Eyjafjallajökull will spread over Europe during the weekend according to a new prognosis from NERI. We have not (Fridag afternoon) seen any increase in the level of air pollutants monitored in Denmark.
The page will be updated continously. Last update 16 April 4 p.m.>
The result of the calculations for the first 5 days after the outbreak can be seen on the animation below. It shows that the meteorological conditions will make the plume spread over Europe during the weekend.'
Aktuelle Grafik hier:
NERI/AU - Atmospheric dispersal of the Icelandic volcano plume over Europe
Nur mal so nebenbei. In den letzten 1100 Jahren sind 3 Ausbrueche bekannt. Der letzte heftige Ausbruch des Vulkans begann im Dezember 1821. Ging so um 2 Jahre! - SAS beabsichtigt schon mal, 2500 Mitarbeiter zu entlassen. Und die LH Aktien im Keller?? Short Empfehlung??
Was sonst noch auf uns zukommen koennte. Aus einem englischen Text:
"These two volcanoes are historically linked and an eruption of Eyjafjallajökull normally triggers Katla.
Scientists know the danger, but there is very little we can do about powerful volcanoes.
An eruption of Katla in between now and 2012 is therefore likely."
Und weiter...
"Iceland's Laki volcano erupted in 1783, freeing gases that turned into smog. The smog floated across the Jet Stream, changing weather patterns. Many died from gas poisoning in the British Isles. Crop production fell in western Europe. Famine spread."
Liest sich nicht als Auschwungprogramm. 2012 ante portas?