• Dieses Forum dient dem Erfahrungsaustausch und nicht dem (kommerziellen) Anbieten von Incentives zum Abschluss einer neuen Kreditkarte.

    Wer sich werben lassen möchte, kann gerne ein entsprechendes Thema im Bereich "Marketplace" starten.
    Wer neue Karteninhaber werben möchte, ist hier fehl am Platz. Das Forum braucht keinen Spam zur Anwerbung neuer Kreditkarteninhaber.

    Beiträge, bei denen neue Kreditkarteninhaber geworben werden sollen, werden ohne gesonderte Nachricht in beiden Foren entfernt.

    User, die sich zum Werben neuer Kreditkarteninhaber neu anmelden, werden wegen Spam direkt dauerhaft gesperrt. User, die an anderer Stelle im Forum mitdiskutieren, sich aber nicht an diese Regeln halten, müssen mit mindestens 7 Tagen Forenurlaub rechnen.

BNC10 - spanisches NEO Bank Konto



Erfahrenes Mitglied
Habt ihr das auch, dass der Saldo in der Android App bei den einzelnen Buchungen abgeschnitten bzw. falsch ist?

Screenshot_20200722_132947_bnc10.bnc10.png 2020-07-22 13_29_05-My BNC10.png


Neues Mitglied
PIN der BNC10-Mastercard erfolgreich geändert am Euronet-Geldautomaten in Hals, Dänemark.

Die neue PIN wird direkt danach korrekt in der BNC10-App angezeigt.
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Reaktionen: Gargleblaster


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Ich überlege mir die Karte zu bestellen wegen der Erstattung der ATM Betreibergebühren.

Funktioniert der Service mitlerweile einigermaßen, oder ratet ihr von bnc10 ab?

Gibt es noch andere Anbieter, die die Automatengebühr erstatten? Leider heute den Brief für die Santander 1plus Card erhalten, dass die Konditionen per Dezember umgestellt werden


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Gerade trudelte eine Mail von BNC10 ein. Unglaublich, wie bei denen die Prozesse organisiert sind... Als Kunde habe ich eine fehlgeleitete interne Mail erhalten, in der es um einen Fehler mit Apple Pay bei einem anderen Kunden ging.

Weiterhin gibt es nur unsichere Möglichkeiten, Dokumente an BNC10 zu senden. Selfies und Ausweisdokumente werden per E-Mail oder per WhatsApp angefordert.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Erfahrenes Mitglied
@Reisefrosch: Bitte lösche den Screenshot. Solche Irrläufer/Interna gehören nicht in die Öffentlichkeit.

Hinweis an BNC10 ist hoffentlich vorher erfolgt?

little endian

Erfahrenes Mitglied
Leider heute den Brief für die Santander 1plus Card erhalten, dass die Konditionen per Dezember umgestellt werden

Ja, hübsch widersprechen, gell. :)

Bei mir kam daraufhin außer der Bestätigung bislang nichts weiter. Mal sehen, denn ohne Kündigung dererseits laufen die Konditionen natürlich unverändert weiter.


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Ja, hübsch widersprechen, gell. :)

Bei mir kam daraufhin außer der Bestätigung bislang nichts weiter. Mal sehen, denn ohne Kündigung dererseits laufen die Konditionen natürlich unverändert weiter.

Im Brief von Santander steht jedoch, dass beim Widerspruch die Karte zum 31.1.2021 gekündigt ist. Deswegen muss es gar keine Reaktion geben.

little endian

Erfahrenes Mitglied
Deswegen muss es gar keine Reaktion geben.

Dabei gehst du erstmal davon aus, dass die im Schreiben verwendete Formulierung überhaupt zulässig ist. Zumindest in Sachsen sah man einen ähnlich gelagerten Fall wohl schon mal anders.

Aus meiner Sicht wird durch derart vorformulierte Bedingungskündigungen das Mittel des Widerspruchs auch gewissermaßen ad absurdum geführt, da vom subjektiv aufgebauten Druck abgesehen von vornherein in jedem Fall nur Einwilligung oder Beendigung des Vertragsverhältnisses als Konsequenz bleibt, ohne dass es auf Anbieterseite formal einer gesonderten Reaktion und damit zumindest eines Mindestmaßes an Energieaufwand bedürfte.
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Reaktionen: SeltenFliegerHH

little endian

Erfahrenes Mitglied
@JuanCarossero: da hast du Recht, das Abschweifen unterlief dabei mir. Daher habe ich einen Moderatoren gebeten, die drei OT-Beiträge zu verschieben.


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Das betrifft MyPocket und nicht bnc10!

Das betrifft sehr wohl bnc10
[FONT=&quot]Notice of changes to your terms and conditions for[/FONT][FONT=&quot] BNC10 prepaid card.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]As you may be aware, on 31 December 2020 the Brexit transition period with the EU will come to an end. [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Your card agreement (“Agreement”) is currently with us, Prepaid Financial Services Limited (“PFS UK”) and BNC10 BARCELONA FINTECH, S.L. (“Programme Manager”). PFS UK issues the e-money and provides the regulated payments services to you. [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]To ensure there is no disruption to your services, from 17 December 2020 PFS UK’s affiliated company, PFS Card Services Ireland Limited (“PCSIL”), will issue the e-money and provide the regulated payments services to you. PFS Card Services Ireland Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]PCSIL can be contacted at the postal address: Front Office, Scurlockstown Business Campus, Trim, Co. Meath, Ireland. [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Because the services will be provided by PCSIL from Ireland, we need to make some changes to your Agreement. The changes are described below. The Agreement and these changes together form your new card Agreement from 17 December 2020 and should be read together. For your convenience, we will display a full copy of the new Agreement, reflecting the changes described in this notice, to the location you would normally access it before the changes come into effect. [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]The most important things for you to note are:[/FONT] · [FONT=&quot]Any unresolved complaints with PCSIL can be directed to the Irish Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman at Lincoln House, Lincoln Place, Dublin2, D02 VH29. Details of the service offered by the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman are available at www.fspo.ie. [/FONT] · [FONT=&quot]The response times for any complaints received by PCSIL will be amended to first response within 15 business days and final response within 35 business days.[/FONT] · [FONT=&quot]Your potential liability for losses relating to any unauthorised transactions if you lose your Card or it is stolen or in relation to the misappropriate use of your account will change from Stg £35 to €50. Further details about this are outlined in page 3 under the heading ‘Liability for Unauthorised Transactions’.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]If you are not happy with the changes and wish to close your account, you can do this free of charge before 17 December 2020, by contacting your usual contact at the Programme Manager. If you continue to use your card after 17 December 2020, you will be deemed to have accepted and be bound by the changes in this notice. [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]If you decide to close your account, your card will be cancelled, and any available balance will be reimbursed to you. However, the available balance may be held for up to 40 business days (or the number of days specified in the Agreement if shorter) from the date you close your account before it is returned to ensure that all transactions on your account are up to date. [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]This notice will not be changed but you should print a copy and keep it for your records. [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Prepaid Financial Services Limited [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot]Changes to your Agreement[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Change to the regulated services provider[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]As the e-money issuer and provider of payment services will be provided in Ireland by PFS Card Services Ireland Limited:[/FONT] · [FONT=&quot]PFS Card Services Ireland Limited, is registered in Ireland under Company Registration Number: 590062. Registered address: Front Office, Scurlockstown Business Park, Trim, Co.Meath, Ireland C15 K2R9. [/FONT] · [FONT=&quot]PFS Card Services Ireland Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. [/FONT] · [FONT=&quot]PFS Card Services Ireland Limited is included on the Central Bank of Ireland’s Register of Electronic Money Institutions who have been authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland pursuant to Regulation 9 of the European Communities (Electronic Money) Regulations 2011: file:///C:/Users/obrienei/Downloads/63%20(9).pdf Registration number: C175999.[/FONT] · [FONT=&quot]Any references to ‘PFS’ will be changed to ‘PCSIL’, an affiliate member of the Mastercard Scheme. [/FONT] · [FONT=&quot]References to “we”, “us”, “our” will be references to PCSIL.[/FONT] · [FONT=&quot]Any references to ‘PFS IBAN’ will be changed to ‘PCSIL IBAN’.[/FONT] · [FONT=&quot]Any references to ‘the UK’ will be changed to ‘Ireland’ or ‘Irish’.[/FONT] · [FONT=&quot]PCSIL is a registered Data Controller with the Data Protection Commission in Ireland.[/FONT] · [FONT=&quot]The Payment Services, Card and Account are payment services and not deposit, credit or banking products and are not covered by the Deposit Guarantee Scheme.[/FONT] · [FONT=&quot]References to third party rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 will no longer apply.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Changes to the Definitions in your Agreement [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]In the Definitions section of your Agreement:[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Your ‘Card’ will be a prepaid Mastercard issued by PCSIL and linked to your Account, which can be used to spend your Available Balance wherever Mastercard cards are accepted.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]PCSIL will provide the ‘Payment Services’ of issuing Cards and Accounts; and executing Transactions.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Your ‘IBAN’ will be a virtual IBAN issued by our bank service provider that we allocate to your Card or your Account which can be used by you or others for the purpose of making a SEPA Transfer of funds that will result in a credit of the relevant funds to your Account. You will no longer be able to make direct debit payments using your IBAN and any provisions relating to direct debit payments will no longer apply. [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]A “SEPA Transfer” will continue to be a facility whereby you instruct us to send Euros to a bank account elsewhere in the Single Euro Payments Area (“SEPA”), quoting the IBAN of the intended recipient of the funds.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Redemption [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Any references to “Late Redemption Fee” will no longer apply.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]In addition, there is no time limit on you requesting redemption from PCSIL so you can contact us at any time to redeem the monetary value of e-money held on your account. We can request identification documentation in order to ensure redemption is performed in accordance with applicable law.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]If your Account is inactive (including without limitation no access to the account or payment Transactions) for at least 2 consecutive years and has an Available Balance, we may (but we are not obliged to) notify you by sending an e-mail to your registered e-mail address and give you the option of keeping your Account open and maintaining or redeeming the Available Balance. If you do not respond to our notice within thirty (30) days, we will automatically close your Account and initiate a Transfer of your Available Balance to the last payment account notified by you to us (your “Nominated Bank Account”). We will not send a cheque to your last known address.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Liability for Unauthorised Transactions [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]You may be liable for losses relating to any unauthorized Transactions up to a maximum of €50 resulting from the resulting from the use of a lost or stolen Card or the misappropriate of your Account, unless the loss, theft or misappropriation was not detectable to you prior to payment (except where you acted fraudulently) or was caused by acts or lack of action of our employee, agent, branch or service provider. This will be changing from Stg £35 to reflect the rules in Ireland.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Dispute resolution[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]If PCSIL does not meet your expectations or you are unhappy with the outcome of any contact with PCSIL, please contact the Complaints Team of PCSIL at Front Office, Scurlockstown Business Park, Trim, Co.Meath, Ireland C15 K2R9 or by email at pcsilcomplaints@prepaidfinancialservices.com The email addresses info@prepaidfinancialservices.com or complaints@prepaidfinancialservices.com should no longer be used.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]The initial response to any complaint should be issued by PCSIL within 15 business days and the final response should be issued within 35 business days.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Any unresolved complaints with PCSIL can be directed to the Irish Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman at Lincoln House, Lincoln Place, Dublin2, D02 VH29. Details of the service offered by the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman are available at www.fspo.ie.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Your Personal Data[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Parental consent is explicitly required to provide any Account holder under the age of 16 with the services relating to your Account and to collect and process personal data about you, Additional Cardholders and Authorised Persons. [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Governing law and jurisdiction[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]The Agreement with PCSIL will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Ireland.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Any dispute or claim in relation to the Agreement will be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish courts. However, if you reside outside Ireland you may bring an action in your country of residence.[/FONT]


Aktives Mitglied
Das stimmt, sorry. Es betrifft mehrere Dienste, die mit Prepaid Financial Services zusammenarbeiten, u.a. MyPocket und bnc10.
Einzig allein die Nachricht über MyPocket schaffte es in meinen Posteingang, während die anderen Nachrichten im Spam gelandet sind, obwohl sie alle von PFS stammen und dem Wortlaut nahezu identisch sind.
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Reaktionen: 1 Person


Gilt auch für Globcoin. Habe praktisch identische Mail bekommen


Reguläres Mitglied
We’re getting in touch to let you know about a few updates to our Terms & Conditions that will take effect from 10 January 2021.

These updates are to ensure that we can continue to offer you an easy, transparent, and secure financial service.

Check out the highlights below so you’re aware of any changes that may affect you - and you can always refer to the full Terms & Conditions available on our website.

Inactive accounts
Set up a bnc10 account but haven’t used it yet? Time to get started! In case you decide not to, if your account balance has stayed at zero for 3 months or you haven’t logged into your account in 6 months, we’ll have the option to deactivate your account due to inactivity. Of course, we’ll contact you before doing so.

Card load
Until now, bnc10 have assumed all the costs of the top up by card so that you had your money instantly and for free, instead of receiving your money days later. Now, your first top up by card of each month will always be free, however any extra top ups in the same month will have a charge of 3% of the value.

Replacement cards
We’ve been thrilled to be able to offer free replacement cards for the past 2 years. Due to the costs involved in producing and distributing physical cards, and waste generation, we will now charge a small fee of €7.90 for a replacement card.
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Reaktionen: Aladin


Erfahrenes Mitglied

Top up geht bei mir noch nicht

Edit: scheint erst nächstes Jahr zu gehen. War etwas voreilig.


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Mein Whatsapp-Chat mit bnc zum Thema:
[10.11., 11:49] Ich: Hi, I just got the info about your new terms and conditions. When will loading of the account by credit card be possible again?
[10.11., 12:06] bnc10: We can not tell you an exact date, but it won't take long. We'll send a notification in the app, make sure you have them on, so you'll receive it.
Die heute in Kraft getretenen T&C haben den geänderten Top-up-Passus übrigens auch schon.


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Inactive accounts
Set up a bnc10 account but haven’t used it yet? Time to get started! In case you decide not to, if your account balance has stayed at zero for 3 months or you haven’t logged into your account in 6 months, we’ll have the option to deactivate your account due to inactivity. Of course, we’ll contact you before doing so.
Und hat man nach der Kontaktierung durch die Bank noch die Chance, durch erneutes Einloggen oder Kontobewegung der Deaktivierung zuvor zu kommen? Oder ist die Deaktivierung zu diesem Zeitpunkt schon unwiderruflich?

Replacement cards
We’ve been thrilled to be able to offer free replacement cards for the past 2 years. Due to the costs involved in producing and distributing physical cards, and waste generation, we will now charge a small fee of €7.90 for a replacement card.
replacement card ist aber wirklich nur eine Ersatzkarte und keine Folgekarte aufgrund Ablauf der alten - oder?