Na, der Artikel ist ja nun wirklich alles andere als besonders informativ.
"The real issue with containing the problem, rather than getting to the root cause of the problem, concerns economics," Aboulafia said. "Incidents can be successfully contained, but if you continue to see incidents like these, you've got a mounting bill from taking jets offline, and repairing their battery systems. You've got an image problem, too."
aus dem Artikel vom AerotelegraphIm Stehen, so berichten die Piloten, sei plötzlich ein Riss in der Windschutzscheibe entstanden.
Man befürchte, dass die Qualität des Jets massiv gelitten habe, weil Boeing sich aufgrund der Verspätung bei der Produktion beeilen musste.
nachrichten heute weisser Rauch aus Fireliner
Flugzeuge altern bei gewissen Airlines alle mehr oder weniger vorzeitig...
On Jan 14th 2014 a JAL Japan Airlines Boeing 787-800, registration JA822J, was parked at the apron of Tokyo's Narita airport and was being prepared for departure for flight JL-707 to Bangkok (Thailand) scheduled about two hours later, when white smoke was observed from the aircraft's main battery, the battery was found overheated, its safety valve opened and electrolyte fluid leaking from the battery. No further damage is being reported, the aircraft was removed from service. A replacement Boeing 787-800 registration JA829J operated the flight departing with a delay of 7 minutes and arriving on schedule. Boeing tweeted that the aircraft was in maintenance, a single cell vented resulting in a smoke event, the new safe guards worked as planned. The battery suffered a fault in the charger and battery. This new ground incident comes a few days after both NTSB and JTSB announced the investigations into the thermal runaways of the APU and main battery in Takamatsu and Boston have been finished and the final reports are being prepared for release later in 2014.
Es ist durchaus wieder Batteriesäure ausgelaufen. Aber nach draußen. Da gibt es ja jetzt einen eigenen Abfluss für.
the battery was found overheated, its safety valve opened and electrolyte fluid leaking from the battery.