We have verified the lower rate you found on XXX. We are now working on the best way to adjust your reservation and appreciate your patience. Please note that there is no standard response time with regards to the adjustment and that we will be contacting you via e-mail once we have been able to adjust the reservation.
As a reminder please note the following:
1. The reservation is non-transferable and the name/s on the reservation must remain the same.
2. Changes to the reservation such as number of occupants, length of stay, dates of stay, type of room and such are not allowed and would mean the forfeiture of your free night.
3. A valid government issued ID is required upon check-in that matches the name found on the reservation for the free night to be honored. Once a valid claim has been made and approved by IHG for a specific date, no further claims by the same person or anyone in the same household will be accepted for the same date.
4. If an individual or members of the same household make multiple claims for two or more nights in the same seven (7) day period at the same IHG hotel or at different IHG hotels within fifty (50) miles of each other, the claims will be treated as, and limited to, one claim for one stay, even if booked through more than one reservation, and only the Best Price Guarantee claim for the first night will be honored.
5. Cancelling your reservation after a valid claim is awarded would mean the forfeiture of the free night and any applicable rate adjustment.
IHG reserves the right to cancel a previously awarded free night and to cancel the lower prices for the rest of the nights of a multi-night reservation if it is found that a customer has violated or circumvented the Best Price Guarantee Terms & Conditions. Resale of rooms eligible for the Best Price Guarantee is strictly prohibited. In the event IHG believes that a room eligible for the Best Price Guarantee has been resold, or the Best Price Guarantee is otherwise being intentionally abused or manipulated to circumvent its intent, we reserve the right to cancel the previously-awarded free room night and to cancel the lower prices for the rest of the nights of a multi-night reservation, and to reject future Best Price Guarantee claims from any persons who participated in such actions.
We look forward to accommodating your upcoming reservation and if you need further assistance please feel free to contact us.