For tickets* to be purchased between March 6 and March 24 (*excluding tickets for domestic flights within Turkey and to/from Ercan Airport), we remove the change fee. If you’d like to change your ticketed flight, your first change request will be applied free of charge.
Moreover, For tickets* purchased before March 5, 2020, for flights taking place up to December 31, 2020 (*excluding tickets for domestic flights within Turkey and to/from Ercan Airport) your first change request will be applied free of charge, provided that the change is completed by March 16, 2020.
Application conditions:
For tickets purchased on and before 5th of March 2020, valid only if the change request is done before 16th of March 2020
Valid for tickets to be reserved and purchased between March 6 and March 24, 2020.
Valid on flights operated by Turkish Airlines until the end of 2020.
Passengers can make a change request up to 5 days prior to their flight.
Domestic flights in Turkey and to/from Ercan Airport are not included.
Fare differences that may be incurred due to the change request will be collected from our passengers.
Change requests can be made through the Turkish Airlines Sales Offices and agencies from which the ticket was purchased.