Juser , die Ereignisse überstürzen sich . Beim Feintuning der Expedition 099E fällt mir die folgende besorgniserregende Mitteilung des ansonsten vorzüglichen New World Hotels zu Shanghai in´s Auge :
***Please be informed that by government ordinance as of 1 July 2019 all hotels in Shanghai are not allowed to offer
disposable room supplies to guests, with specific items including toothbrush, comb, bath loofah, shaver, emery board and
shoeshine materials. We invite you to be part of the initiative to make the earth greener .
Keine Ahnung was ein bath loofah sein könnte , aber schade , daß er wegfällt.
Stabilität hingegen zeigt sich bei der Strafzahlung für unerlaubtes Rauchen im Zimmer:
***Pursuant to the Shanghai Tobacco Control Regulations for all Public Places, as of 1 March 2017, smoking within the
hotel premises - including guest rooms - is prohibited. All our rooms have been deep cleaned to comply with the
non-smoking regulations. Any evidence of smoking found in your room will result in the charge of RMB1,000 as the fee for deep cleaning "
Weiter so .