Kaum fängt man an nach dem Thema zu suchen, dann findet man auch etwas - zu der Situation in Spanien: ist etwas obskur und ggf. nicht relevant. Morgen soll es dazu einen „Expertenrat geben

Spain holiday hotspots consider bringing back 'some sort' of Covid restrictions
Spain holiday destinations could bring back some Covid restrictions as officials in Andalusia consider new rules and Mallorca authorities advise the use of face masks

Ich bleibe trotzdem bei meiner Aussage von vorher: dies sind die letzten Zuckungen von den covid Einschränkungen!!Mr Moreno expressed his concern about the millions of infections in China and the possibility that new strains could overcome vaccines.
He has confirmed that Andalusia's public health committee will meet on January 17 so that experts can give their opinions on the present situation and "shed light on how we can address some of the aspects which are worrying us."

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