Wie viel hast du da drüber gejagt?Zur Info: ZEN will nun von mir Nachweise:
We have recorded a card top-up on your account and we need to check it. We know that it might cause you distress but as a regulated financial institution we are obliged to verify details of selected transactions which is standard operation.
Some features of your account may have been restricted until you confirm some information.
Top-up details:
Date: 11.11.2023
Amount: XXX.YY EUR
What do we need:
a document confirming who is the sender of the transfer
it may be an account statement or a confirmation of a single transaction. (The document must be sent in PDF / scan / photocopy format. Please note that screenshots and photographs of documents displayed on the screens of other devices are not accepted)
must include the payer's name and surname, amount and currency
purpose of the top-up: what are your plans for these funds?
Remember: never send your full card number to anyone!
Please send the above information within the next 7 days.
If you cannot provide us with this information, we will not be able to provide you with access to all features of your account.
Why do we need this data?
At ZEN, we ensure our clients' safety with 24/7 monitoring systems. They check thousands of payments in real time. However, sometimes we need additional information to approve selected transactions.
You can find more about the verification process and recommendations here.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please respond directly to this email.
Best regards,
ZEN Team